Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government

Senator Goldwater said, “Any government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take it away.” Are rights to religion freedom of speech, not be a slave, independent thought a product of government?  If so, which government?  Cuba, china, the UK or the U.S.?  Are the rights given by Biden, Trump, Reagan or Obama?  Governments and leaders come and go—so should rights come and go as well?

Our Founding Fathers made it clear, rights come from Natural Law, from God, not government, Presidents or Kings.  While this article is meant as satire, it is as realistic as fact—our nation was built on God given rights, not the government preferred rights.

Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government, 2/23/24

You’re not gonna believe this. Check out this list of radical Christian nationalists who believe inalienable human rights are endowed on them by some sort of higher power, a Creator, or something like that, and not by the federal government.

  1. This idiot named John Locke

This loser thought liberty came from the Law of Nature and wasn’t subject to the “legislative authority of man.” Whatever that means. Rights come from the government. Everyone knows that.

2. Total loser Thomas Jefferson

Just look at the unhinged insanity in the eyes of this deranged radical.

 3. This stupid thing called The Declaration of Independence.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” UHG. Who wrote this crap?

4. Some dummy named Thomas Paine

Paine claimed that every child born into the world must be considered as deriving its existence from God. Uh, yeah. Ok, weirdo.

5. Moron and inventor of lightning Benjamin Franklin

This creep said that liberty is derived from the laws of God. Put this one on an FBI Watchlist…he’s about to storm the Capitol.

These guys are all dummies. Do human rights come from God? Never. Rights come from the government and are disseminated to the population through the mainstream media. We need to stamp out this ridiculous scourge of Christian nationalism wherever we see it… before we lose our democracy.

It’s a serious medical emergency: you’re minding your own business when you hear an opinion you slightly disagree with.

One thought on “Get A Load Of These Insane Christian Nationalists Who Believed Rights Come From God And Not The Government

  1. Good one from the Bee! Good reminder that the Founding Fathers tried to root this nation in the principles of Natural Law. Unfortunately, these days legislators on all sides of the isle use the original basic principles of Natural Law as specifically expressed by our Founders — life, liberty, and property (pursuit of happiness) — to legislate all sorts of stuff! Natural Law morphed from liberties endowed by our Creator, which government must not abridge, into various government laws, many based on religion and political leanings.

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