Eber: Take my answer off the air

This article explains why so far only 7% of the eligible voters have voted.  We are on track to have the first under 30% turnout in a presidential primary.  Those between 18-25 have a 2% turnout.  Voters are saying clearly, it does not matter who gets elected, the State is and will collapse.  Democrats have become the modern KKK, love socialism and think cops should be put into the history books.

We have lost population—and it would be even worse were it not for Newsom importing illegal aliens to replace productive, honest people who are fleeing the State.

“My ballot will be empty as usual.  Being denied the opportunity to cast a vote is likely a blessing. After reading the voter pamphlet, the candidates appear to be hard core Progressive Democrats.

Ideologically, they are all Gavin Newsom-Green New Deal followers.  Trying to differentiate between these liberal wan-a-bees compares to contrasting Leninists from Trotskyites?”

Take my answer off the air by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  2/26/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

March 5th disturbs me. Election Day is supposed to be a celebration of American Democracy. It sure doesn’t seem that way in 2024.

Once again conservatives journey to the polls on a suicide mission.

In Contra Costa County, where I reside, there are zero credible conservatives, let alone GOP members, running for two open seats in the State Assembly and the Senate.

My ballot will be empty as usual.  Being denied the opportunity to cast a vote is likely a blessing. After reading the voter pamphlet, the candidates appear to be hard core Progressive Democrats.

Ideologically, they are all Gavin Newsom-Green New Deal followers.  Trying to differentiate between these liberal wan-a-bees compares to contrasting Leninists from Trotskyites?

This is one instance where I will willingly take my answer off the air!

Turning to the U.S. Senate race, it looks like we are in store for a final battle vying scum bags opposing slime balls.

Heading my list of bad actors is Democrat frontrunner Adam “Shifty” Schiff” He was responsible for being a leader in the discredited Russian Collusion charges used during impeach proceedings against President Donald Trump.

Despite making claims of holding damming evidence, Schiff failed to back up his allegations.  This was reminiscent of similar tactics used by Senator Joe McCarthy in the 1950’s.

Deceit is Schiff’s game. Most of his campaign adds try to give the impression compromised Republican Steve Garvey is a serious threat to winning the seat.  The former all-star first baseman of the Dodgers and Padres fills the screen on Schiff’s TV ads. 

His intent is for Garvey to come in second March 5th.  In that way, Schiff’s chief opponent Kattie Porter will be eliminated from the top two run-off in November.

There is little doubt Porter would be a much more formidable foe than an inexperienced adversary who stumbles at Town Halls and lacks basic knowledge of critical issues.  Garvey’s sub-par public speaking skills are also evident.

Schiff’s Machiavellian tactics in pumping up Garvey are a brilliant campaign strategy.  On the other hand, do we really want to elect members of the Senate who use lies and deception to deceive voters?

On the Republican side of the ledger, Steve Garvey is pitted against several opponents led by Eric Early and James Bradley.  Even though the two can only garner 2% of the electorate, either one of them is preferable to the lightweight ex-baseball player.

If the Hopson’s Choice GOP alternatives seem a bit disturbing, they are child’s play, compared to Proposition 1. As the only revenue measure on the ballet, it is a carefully disguised pork barrel scheme to raise 6.4 billion dollars to support mental health, affordable housing, the homeless, and veterans.

With this line-up it appears only Mr. Burns of The Simpsons fame or Ebenezer Scrooge would oppose such a worthy cause.  Upon further review, add me to Measure 1’s list of naysayers.

The first question that might be asked is why these expenditures were not taken care of without the excessive cost of financing a bond. How come the Legislature failed to appropriate the funds when they had a huge surplus in 2022?  

Isn’t this better use of taxpayer dollars than giving billions supporting undocumented immigrants with free medical care and welfare? Let’s not forget expenditures made for questionable educational programs unrelated to furthering reading and writing skills.

Adding interest to the value of the proposed bond raises its total to cost about 13 billion dollars.  When the funds raised are actually spent, we must deduct $400 million paying for mandated Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s) involved with government subsidized construction.

As an article in Cal Matters, it was asserted, Proposition 1 will not solve much of anything. It postulates the bond may actually interfere with successful mental health services already being rendered by Counties. This is yet another power grab by the State to usurp local authority.

This leaves us with the election of the next President of the United States. For me this is the equivalent of two below .500 teams competing in the Rose Bowl.

Democrats are being denied an opportunity to support a candidate other than the obviously senile incumbent Joe Biden.  Opinion polls show 70% of those voting in the primary desire another individual to head the Elephant ticket.

Despite this, the Democratic Party for the moment is backing an individual who is unable to communicate without being glued to a teleprompter.  At the same time, Biden lacks the skills to conduct a press conference let alone compete in a candidates debate.

Such a characterization pretty much sums up the leader of the free world and a political party that claims their opponents are a threat to democracy.

On the Republican side former President Donald Trump is battling it out with former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.  At least this provides voters with a clear choice, even though almost all political pundits claim Trump has already won the nomination.

So much for the early primary or California’s GOP members casting a relevant vote for a change.

With this sad state of affairs, trying to urge Republicans to cast ballots in this arguably meaningless election, is a difficult task.

Again, I will be forced to take my answer off the air!

One thought on “Eber: Take my answer off the air

  1. Good points. Ineffective candidates and silly laws have caused people to lose interest in voting. By the way, more money for mental health, affordable housing, and homelessness?? Again?? An old saying applies: “doing the same thing over and over and….”

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