Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/8/24      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

This was written by Anna Rohrbough.

Republican County Chairs who attack and allow other Committee members to undermine Republican candidates on public platforms and beyond, should be stopped. We can’t afford to give the competition more ammunition. 

This was written by Anna Rohrbough. In 2022 she ran, and won, a seat on the Folsom City Council.  She defeated a 24 year Democrat!

There are two things I can share of personal experience.  

1. Congressional Candidate Chris Bish’s personal facebook page.

After getting calls and texts from others concerned about what was happening on Bish’s personal fb page I logged in and read it all myself. At some point I just had enough. The Chair was taking personal jabs at a Republican candidate. I have not endorsed Chris Bish, nor do we have a personal relationship.

But I do have experience in Washington State from being in politics at the time we were relocated to Folsom in 2020. I was quick to recognize the self destruction that Republicans can sometimes do to themselves within their own party.  

So after reading the posts and hearing how it was upsetting others, I felt compelled to say something…. Enough is just sometimes enough. 

This is what I posted in response to Betsy’s facebook comments attacking Chris Bish. 

“Betsy Mahan you said it yourself. You are the Chair of the Republican Party attacking another Republican on their own personal page. I believe this is against the by-laws. And if it isn’t it should be. This is an embarrassment to all Republicans. Take it off-line if you have a problem with another Republican. But this is absolutely not the kind of leadership we need right now. Please offer some leadership not vitriol to another Republican. If you were a man people would be screaming about bullying against a woman, but it’s worse than that, now it’s going to be looked at as a cat fight. How is that any less of a problem in today’s politics. As far as data. You’re both using the data you want in the manner you want. STOP IT! Just stop. Why would you give other parties more ammunition. I’m not looking for answers I am asking you in my role as a central committee member that you show some leadership as the chair of the Sac County GOP. You should be above this infighting on a public platform. As far as the platform – look to the many other state Republicans leaders who voted against it. It was a 2/3 majority so to attack one is to attack all the Republicans leaders like Harmeet Dhillon and Ted Gaines, just to mention a few.”

She subsequently blocked me from both my personal site and my campaign page. And has now deleted her comments on Bish’s fb page. Which is revealing in itself. 

2. My experience as a candidate in 2022. I was running for Folsom City Council against a 24 year Democrat incumbent. I became aware that a member of the Central Committee was actively campaigning against me, despite the fact we were both involved in the Committee. I know this because another elected official had just endorsed me and this other member called them and tried to convince them to un-endorse me. A Central Committee member actively helping to campaign against a Republican is against our by-laws, not to mention destructive. I had concerns about this and brought this to Betsy’s attention while also showing her the by-laws. I asked her if she could ask this member to at least stay neutral and remind the entire committee of our by-laws.  She didn’t. I spoke with a few others on the committee and decided to not spend any more time on this issue and focus on wining my race. 

After the election I followed up with Betsy at a Central Committee meeting asking her what a candidate should do when this happens. She said to bring it to her attention and she would take care of it…. well I knew that was not true.  She did nothing and no reminder of what was in our by-laws was articulated. Not wanting to cause division and being newly elected to City Council – I decided it was in the Committee’s best interest to let it go and focus on what I was elected to do at City Council and on the Central Committee. 

Today, my main concern is that if we are to build up our party, attract viable conservative candidates and get them elected, we need someone who will lead by example and NOT continue to perpetuate division and undermine fellow Republicans. Why would someone run if they are unsure of how they’ll be treated by their own Central Committee? We need someone who will unify, elevate the party and instill confidence in potential candidates so that they will feel encouraged to speak for and stand up for our conservative values. Candidates who become elected Republicans have enough against them already. 

Conservatives and Republicans want to find hope in the future of California politics. We need County Chairs and party leaders who can give us that.

2.  The President, using your military and tax dollars is going to build a port for Gaza.  As we all know, Gaza is controlled by Hamas.  So, when the Bien Port is built, Hamas will control the food and supplies that get in—and who gets it.  Worse, while food could come in, so can weapons—literally Biden and the Democrats are creating to Port so Hamas can get weapons easier—and who is going to stop that.  Remember, not a word about the American hosrage help mid the Mid East chapter of Nazi’s, Hamas. 

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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)