Eber: Prosperity is just around the corner

Is it true that the final Biden slogan for reelection going to be, ‘TWO TESLA’S IN EVERY DRIVEWAY AND AN ILLEGAL ALIEN IN EVERY BEDROOM”?  If not, it does appear to be his policy.

The only question left is whether the voters will vote their pocketbook and try to protect their financial future.  He already announced plans for trillions in debt AND trillions in new taxes.  Tyson Foods has decided Americans not wanted, they just want to hire illegal aliens approved by Biden.

Biden is siding with Hamas by demanding the overthrow of the Israeli government—but saying and doing nothing to get back American hostages held by Hamas.

If you enjoy Bidenomics, then you will get more of it by electing the modern day Herbert Hoover—Joe Biden.  At least Hoover had bad policy, Biden has little left of his brain.

Prosperity is just around the corner by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/20/24   www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Herbert Hoover lives. Running for re-election in 1932, during the midst of the Great Depression, he ran on the motto “Prosperity is Just around the corner.”

 For Hoover this was not the case. He garnered less than 40% of the vote while losing to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR) New Deal in a landslide.

Some 92 years later a comparable situation exists in American politics.  We have an unpopular incumbent President Joe Biden basing his re-election campaign on a similar promise of delivering upcoming “prosperity.” 

Biden claims:

Inflation is in check from previous levels:  This might be the case; but the average household does not share this rosy assessment.  Just go to the grocery store and see how prices have gone up during Biden’s 3 plus years in office.  Or fill your gas tank or pay for utilities to heat one’s residence.

The U.S. border is safe and secure. Over 9 million illegal crossings have taken place during Biden’s term of office. This contradicts Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas. He repeatedly stated the border with Mexico is “safe and secure”.

Nothing could be further from the truth. This has been illustrated by the chaos in major U.S. Sanctuary Cities such as New York, Denver and Chicago trying to find housing for these folks.

Foreign policy under the Biden Administration is on the right track:  Even some Progressive stalwarts are struggling on this one. The disorganized withdrawal from Afghanistan to the policies appeasement with terrorist sponsor Iran, spells “weakness” that haunts Biden’s presidency.  Adding the Ukraine and Middle East to this equation further illustrates the current sad state of American diplomacy.

A continuing decline of public education:  The Department of Education focuses their attention to promoting Critical Race Theory, sex education, diversity, and rewriting history books. Meanwhile, literacy in mathematics and English has diminished before and after Covid-19.

Playing a significant role in the dumbing down of public schools is the increased power of teachers unions.  As major supporters of the Democratic Party, their leader Randi Weingarten has made sure educators are exempt from any real scrutiny.

The Green New Deal is a colossal failure:   It does not take a genius to figure out the Biden administration’s failed efforts to wean American’s from fossil fuel. consumption. The result is higher energy costs. It has furthered the adverse effects of inflation and resulted in thousands of high paying jobs being exported to major polluter China.  

Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline when he first took office. This has added cost and safety concerns in moving petroleum to refineries.  Even worse is the hairbrained scheme of California Governor Gavin Newsom to mandate rich and poor, all drive electric cars by 2035.  The cost is about $75,000 per vehicle. How will poor folks, except for public transportation, be able to navigate around town?

Public safety is at its lowest level in recent memory:  Joe Biden and his supporters proudly brag no bail laws, non-prosecution of shoplifting, lenient sentencing, and early release for convicted felons, helps reduce crime.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Adding to the equation is the unwillingness of Sanctuary Cities to indict illegal aliens who break our laws. Even worse, when these thugs are released from detention, they are not turned over to I.C.E. for deportation.

Instead of concern for victims in crime, Progressives sympathies lie with the perpetrators of lawlessness. Typical is Biden apologizing for calling the alleged killer of a Georgia nursing student “Illegal”. What about Laken Hope Riley? Does her life count?

Misdirected priorities resulted in the defund the police movement and non-support of law enforcement. The end product is the decline of public safety in the United States.

Biden’s comprised FBI has boasted the overall crime rate is down.  This might be the result of non-enforcement of existing laws by lenient George Soros supported D.A.’s. Police, especially in big cities, have been crippled while being under constant scrutiny from those who loathe them.

The bottom line is that the public knows better. Case and point is where I live in the suburbs.  Most of my friends no longer venture to San Francisco because of rampant crime.  For proof, just ask the owners of half the stores in Union Square and the many restaurants who have closed their doors in the last couple years.

All of these factors point to how far removed from reality stands Joe Biden.  No President since Herbert Hoover has been so oblivious of what is going on around him. Biden trying to blame Trump for the border crisis was comparable to Hoover warning voters FDR would repeal prohibition.

With current low approval levels being similar to the 31st President in 1932, why is Joe Biden currently running neck to neck with his Republican challenger?

The answer is simple. Despite disdain for the Biden Presidency, about half the electorate currently prefer him to the bombastic Trump; with his ugly- rhetoric aimed at all who oppose him.

During the next 7 months voters will have to determine where their priorities lie.  Is it more important to have a leader whose demeanor is passable, (except when he speaks) and Trump’s crude approach to managing the Presidency?

Although Biden and Hoover represent opposite ends of the political spectrum, they have held one major similarity.  Both warned voters their opponent represents a threat to American Democracy.

In November the electorate will determine if Biden’s inept performance is preferable to Donald Trump’s abusive approach.  It may come down to form vs performance along with voter’s perception of which candidate will bring a better life to families.

 In the 1928 Presidential election, a slogan for Herbert Hoover’s victory was “A chicken in every pot, two cars in every garage.” Should Joe Biden update this promise?  It might go “Two Tesla’s in every driveway with a humanely euthanized bird thrown in.”

One thought on “Eber: Prosperity is just around the corner

  1. Great point: “Form vs performance.” By now, voters have been so gaslighted into the idea that government keeps you safe and happy — so don’t rock any boats— that they might be scared of real leadership.

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