Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/26/24 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
In a recent HOTT, I reported a Sacramento Bee story that Steve Garvey owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes to the IRS and the State of California. So far his campaign has not explained.
After looking at his February financial report I noticed something missing. In these reports the candidate is supposed to list all debts. Missing from the report was a court ordered settlement not paid. Also, unless there is a statute of limitations, also missing are alimony payments not paid and child support not paid. I am sure there is an explanation. I look forward to it, so when voters ask about it we have an answer.
In the past I have noted that Adan Schiff, by picking his November opponent, is able to spend his time and resources raising money for other radical Democrat candidates—for U.S. Senate and Congress. Now, he is raising money of a Progressive Democrat in North Carolina.
On March 22 I received, in part, this blast email from Schiff:
“steve — Today, I’m hoping you will split a contribution between my campaign and Josh Stein’s campaign for Governor in North Carolina.
He’s running against Mark Robinson, someone I cannot simply describe as a run-of-the-mill MAGA Republican. Mark Robinson is a truly dangerous individual, with vile views, who absolutely cannot win this election for North Carolina’s chief executive. We need to defeat him.
Schiff who is big on elected LBQT candidates, women candidates, people of color—because of the sex, gender, color or orientation, is opposed the black Lt. Gov., Robinson, because he is the wrong type of black—does this make Schiff a racist? Worse by spending $10 million to pick his November opponent, Garvey, he saves $30 million and can spend the next 220 days campaigning for and raising money for his Progressive Democrats.
A couple of weeks ago HOTT reported how $50,000 was sent by the Kern County Central Committee, without a vote or knowledge of the members of that committee to a PAC. That caused a complaint to be filed with the FPPC and a discussion about filing embezzlement with the Bakersfield PD.
Here is some more information:
KCCC gave over 70% of the funds expended by the CVYR PAC.
- Support of Ken Weir and Matthew Martin for KCCC
- Support of Ken Weir for Assembly
Coordination of Committees and not an “independent expenditure”. Avoided 460s etc.
Yesterday my wife received a letter from her sister who lives near Jackson, Mississippi. The letter shows it was mailed on March 15. She received it on March 25. Ten days to send a letter 2,000 miles? Why do we trust the US Postal Service to deliver our ballots? (the address was typed, so it wasn’t an issue of not being able to read the address)
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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
Steve Garvey is a massive dumpster fire. Draft Dodger, Spouse Abuser, Deadbeat Dad and now we discover a Tax Cheat.
ANYONE who promoted, or voted for this scumbag needs to resign their membership in the human race.
Question for you ~ So how would you describe Adam Schiff? Be honest.
He is a liar, cheat, crooked and a useful idiot for the Russians. Those are the nice thinsg I can say about him.