Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  4/9/24      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com


On March 5 an election was held for city council in Fresno.  Now there is a runoff between the two top voter getters. Here are the results:

ROGER S. BONAKDAR6,57937.17%
RAJ SODHI-LAYNE2,35013.28%
Total Votes17,699

Three candidates in the Primary were Republican—and one, Roger Bonakdar, was a registered NPP.

The two Republicans who lost have endorsed Nick Richardson, the life long GOP’er.  That means 63% of the GOP vote should be behind one candidate.  So what does Bonakdar do last week?  He re-registers as a Republican and plans TONIGHT to ask for the Fresno GOP endorsement.

But who was backing Roger in the first place?  The Lincoln Club, which most think supports only Republicans.  In fact they endorsed TWO NPP candidates for city council office, two different districts.  Note the list of endorsements and you see they endorsed AGAINST three Republicans in the Primary.


Also just below the endorsements they say they do not endorse in Federal races—but the endorsement lists FIVE candidates for Congress.  Curious?

LAGOP refused to endorse a qualified GOP candidate for DA—the only GOP’er running for DA.  Instead they worked behind the scenes for an NPP candidate, so they withheld their endorsement for a Republican.  Why should anyone run for office as a Republican if the Party will not endorse them?

I suspect the Fresno GOP will do the right thing and endorse Richardson, the Republican.  To do otherwise will tell future candidates they can be thrown under the bus by a non-Republican if the “leadership” decides not to support Republican candidates.

Richardson can win.  If the Fresno Central Committee refuses to endorse him, that means they are supporting a deathbed Republican.  Roger can not win if the GOP stays with the real GOP candidate, not a transparent opportunist.

Oh, the argument as to why Nick Richardson should not be endorsed?  He attended a meeting of an ad hoc community group that included all demographic segments of the community.  Yes, a few pro-Palestinians were present.  The purpose of the meeting was for the approximately 50 community members to ask questions about community issues.  Isn’t that what candidates and office holders should do—meet with the community.  But, some are using it as a smear because some Hamas supporters were present.  This is a man of principle and courage, doing the right thing—yet the Establishment, by telling a half truth makes it looks bad.  Just like how they treat Trump and other Republicans.

I will report on what the Fresno GOP does.


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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)