Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 5/1/24 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly Allows NON Republican to VOTE on Central Committee
As far as I can tell only one California GOP organization allows a NON REPUBLICAN a vote in its Committee. LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly told folks that Nathan Hochman, an NPP, is STILL an Ex Officio of the LA Committee. His reasoning is that Hochman was the GOP nominee for AG in 2022, hence is an ex officio, regardless of his current status.
Yet, on Monday night Hochman proudly stated he was voting for Biden against Trump. He never answered the question if he was also voting for Schiff against Garvey. He did not mention a single Republican he was supporting for office.
O’Reilly would not allow the LAGOP members to ask questions of Hochman. Instead he had one member ask pre-determined questions. Folks had to shout out questions to Hochman or demand he answer questions one on one—but not during the meeting. Oh, again the LAGOP did not have a quorum to do all its business. Of course, under these circumstances, why waste the time?
Rounding off the numbers, O’Reilly finally admitted the Committee had $18,000 in the bank—and still owed one person $16,000. It is so bad that at the end of June the LAGOP is closing its San Fernando Valley HQ and moving into a joint center in Long Beach—the very south end of a county that is bordered on the north by Lancaster—80 miles away. He did announce how much two of the recent fund raisers made—but REFUSED to tell how much two others lost.
Remember it was O’Reilly that tried to pass a Democrat Lite Platform for the CAGOP. He also stopped the LAGOP from endorsing a Republican for DA—since he was supporting a Non Republican, Nathan Hochman. Now he is working hard to close the CAGOP by CUTTING 16% of the delegates to the CAGOP—while the Democrats continue to increase their numbers (currently the CAGP has 1440 members and the Democrats State Party has over 3200). At every turn O’Reilly is working hard to demolish the California GOP, its credibility and its volunteers.
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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
Tim O’Reilly is just a RINO. Too bad the GOP can’t just disenroll him and take away his affiliation. AS for Nathan Hochman, if he is a true NPPer, he would disassociate from the CA GOP Central Committee.
America First Patriots are tired of having to vote for the lesser of two evils, which usually means voting for the RINO. Why would Nathan Hochman attend the LAGOP and make this statement? Why would the LAGOP want a Biden-supporting Independent to be on their central committee? And the GOP wonders why so many Republicans switch to No Party Preference! There are many ways Hochman could reach out to Democrats without having made this asinine comment.
Republican organizations should NOT endorse or support Nathan Hochman after he said this at the LAGOP on April 29:
“I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in 2016, 2020. I won’t be voting for him in 2024. I’ll be voting and supporting Joe Biden. We want a DA to resolve a case only based on two things – the facts and the law and not a personal political agenda like George Gascón.”