Eber: Howard Beale died for our sins

We are living in dangerous and disgusting times.  Jerry Seinfeld has 40 Nazi supporters walk out on him, in a crowd of approximately 20,000—and the media is concerned about the 40 mentally ill people.  Illegal aliens are killing, raping and assaulting our young and elderly—so Biden is looking to give them ID cars from the Federal government.

Governor Newsom is about to implement a new gas policy that will add 5 cents a gallon, EVERY year, to the cost of a gallon of gas.  He gets around the State and town in a government owned gas powered vehicle.

The movies and films appear to be made by the Propaganda Commission of government—sand the FBI is already working with social media to censure your postings.

When will we revolt at the polls?  When will we stop buying expensive tickets to hate filled movies?  Since when is the American public interested in a porn star and stripper?  The Democrats protected Bill Clinton when he had his affair with an Intern—and many others.  We live in stupid times.  Let’s ignore the bigots, hate mongers, pedophilia supporters and prostitute loves.

Howard Beale died for our sins

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  5/15/24  www.capolitinewsandviews.com

In trying to be “fair and balanced”, while viewing the trial of Donald Trump in New York, I frequently switch channels between Fox and MSNBC.

Is it crazy  to believe, after looking at both cable TV networks,  there is any credibility with the proceedings?

Trump apparently is being accused of paying hush money to stripper-porn actress Stormy Daniels to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.  Such an act is considered to be illegal according to New York D.A. Alvin Bragg.

Lawfully, doing the same thing five years earlier to protect his reputation and family, does not count.  Even worse, Daniels, who admits hatred for the former President, has been the star witness for the prosecution.  

Having profited monetarily from the alleged incident while at the same time owing Trump  $400,000 in a bogus defamation lawsuit, how seriously can the jury believe her testimony? Given such a scenario, should D.A . Bragg ever charged Trump? 

His other key witness is none other than jailbird perjurer Michael Cohen.  He has already done a stint in the Federal “slammer” for fraud, embezzlement, perjury, and other previous indiscretions.  His  believability is about on the same level as an alleged ax murderer who testified  in his trial  “I missed my target” 23 times.”

Give me a break! Even panelists on  The View had to admit they want to put Trump behind bars, no matter how flimsy the charges might be against him.

It appears “Jailhouse” third party testimony has more credibility than Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen combined! And so the charade continues. The prosecution is not even bothering to tell the jury what particular offense the former President might be guilty of. 

For Trump haters, this is par for the course.

To me these proceedings offer a vivid illustration of how far removed from reality social media has strayed.  Making stuff up in TikTok, X, Google, or any chat room, has become a substitute for rational reasoning. With such pretzel logic, Pro Hamas mobs on college campuses can support terrorists, without losing a wink of sleep.

They offer no responsibility for the genocide of millions of Jews that actually transpired under Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime in Germany.  These are the fascist forces of today, masquerading  as Progressives.  Empty headed radicals don’t give a hoot what transpired on October 7 when over 1200 Jews were slaughtered by Hamas.

The “Big Lie” continues.

These same Pro-Palestinian protesters ignore terrorists vowing to incinerate Israel or  Hamas uses civilians to shield themselves against the onslaught of Israeli military forces.

The ignorance pertaining to Pro Palestinian demonstrators is fed by propaganda courtesy of social media and Progressive news cable T.V. outlets.  If protestors’ time was spent in libraries rather than meaningless texting while listening to radical professors, there would be nothing to picket..

There are also  professional agitators spurring the naive students on.  The FBI doesn’t seem to care about financial assistance given to them by donors such as George Soros or groups associated with Middle East terrorist organizations.  (see my earlier columns on ANTIFA)

No wonder  I am so disillusioned with the proceedings against Donald Trump and the protests going on throughout the country supporting Hamas.

Such insanity reminds me of the fictional character Howard Beale in NETWORK.  In his words, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” 

This feeling of disillusionment has been further exacerbated by word given by the State Republican Party pertaining to my application for a press credential to cover their convention in San Mateo this weekend.

It read:

CRP Press Team <[email protected]>Fri, May 10, 8:45 PM (14 hours ago)

Thank you for your interest in attending the CAGOP’s 2024 Convention, but we are unable to credential you for press at this time. This decision is final. 

This follows this body blackballing me from their previous meeting in Sacramento last year.  One would think in the current state of polarization gripping the country, the State’s Republican tent (Pup and/or Pimp?) would be large enough to accomodate me.

Hopefully, when current  GOP Chairwomen Jessica Patterson’s  term ends next year, the Establishment will no longer remain in charge. It’s time for conservatives to reclaim the Party in order to give voters a plausible alternative to the Progressive debacle in Sacramento.

With this said, I will be forced to take my answer off the air once again.  Good luck in San Mateo

2 thoughts on “Eber: Howard Beale died for our sins

  1. The whole world is laughing at us. We tell the world we want to lead and follow us. Yet, we demonstrate that we do not know the way. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon.

  2. Hang in there, Steve! Help is on the way. The leadership (or lack there of ) at the top of the California GOP is on its way out. This may take a few years, but we Republican peons in California are sick and tired of the lack of leadership representing our once beautiful State. Central Committees are somewhat unique in California. Not all states have them. I learned this the hard way from Daniel Schultz while trying to set up a precinct captain program.here. It’s different in California.

    In any event, Central Committees in California are coming into their own. They’re starting to figure it out, thank God. The role of the California GOP should be to represent the will of the voters and that should begin to happen this coming January. We hope to see your credentialed presence at the 2025 CAGOP Convention Steve. Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do for the California Republicans.

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