Half of all new jobs going to immigrants

Biden is doing well for the illegal aliens.  While over 600,000 full time jobs have been eliminated in less than a year, most of the part time jobs that have fueled the “increase” in jobs, have gone to illegal aliens.

“Roughly half of all new jobs created in the U.S. economy since October have gone to immigrants, many of those illegals, according to a new analysis by the House Budget Committee.

The Labor Department released its latest employment data Friday showing the economy added jobs, but the overall labor participation rate ticked down and the unemployment rate ticked up to 4%.

“Furthermore, nearly half of all job growth since October can be attributed to various immigrant groups, including illegal immigrants, showing a far weaker economy than suggested,” the GOP-led budget committee said.”

Biden is making law breakers comfortable and putting honest Americans into poverty—that is how he is going to save Democracy?  LOL

Half of all new jobs going to immigrants: Report

By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times, 6/7/24   https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jun/7/half-all-new-jobs-going-immigrants-report/?utm_source=Boomtrain&utm_medium=manual&utm_campaign=newsalert&utm_content=newsalert&utm_term=newsalert&bt_ee=2OdsE4cZZJL7bE0DBgWKQKwMbyrhrHOdTs%2BbyBMdDOr9loUbbm6IEGmeQvIVrFlO&bt_ts=1717785454559

Roughly half of all new jobs created in the U.S. economy since October have gone to immigrants, many of those illegals, according to a new analysis by the House Budget Committee.

The Labor Department released its latest employment data Friday showing the economy added jobs, but the overall labor participation rate ticked down and the unemployment rate ticked up to 4%.

“Furthermore, nearly half of all job growth since October can be attributed to various immigrant groups, including illegal immigrants, showing a far weaker economy than suggested,” the GOP-led budget committee said.

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The foreign-born population filled 840,000 new jobs from November to now, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The role of migrants in the labor force looms large in the political debate.

Democrats have pleaded for the migrants to take jobs since large cities have been swamped with illegal immigrants settling in their jurisdictions and relying on welfare after being caught and released by the Biden administration.

Economists say the migrant labor is good for the overall U.S. economy, boosting total productivity and raising the country’s gross domestic product. It’s not so good for the average worker, particularly for those who end up having to compete with the illegals.

Those are generally less-educated Americans on the lower-income rungs.

Democrats on Friday cheered the overall direction of the economy, pointing to 40 months of job growth as proof the Biden economy is working.

“Wages are rising, unemployment remains near record lows for the longest stretch in decades, and gains are widespread across sectors,” said Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

But Republicans said the May numbers showed troubling slippage for some key demographics.

The Republican National Committee said Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans saw rises in unemployment.

2 thoughts on “Half of all new jobs going to immigrants

  1. Unfortunately, the current administration is so corrupt that any figures coming out of Washington are suspect. Migrant labor is good for the overall economy? If that is true, then Washington should start to recruit more migrant workers at the expense of citizen workers or is that what they are doing?

  2. Democrats would sell their mother for a democrat vote.
    Biden’s dirty open border has always been to get more democrat voters any legal or illegal way necessary. Democrats want a dictator, not a democracy.
    So, to sacrifice the job of a legal American and give it to an illegal migrant immigrant is just another step in his disgusting plan.
    Learn the truth about the recent jobs report and you will see the usual bullshit democrat lies, hoping you will not care about the truth.
    Wake up people.
    A vote for a democrat is a vote to make you a minority in you own country.

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