USAC freezes transfer of funds to endowment until UC divests

It looks like the Hamas/Nazi’s have control of student government at UCLA.  No surprise.  This is the campus that ALLOWED a “NO JEWS ALLOWED’ policy enforced by storm troopers—and the UCLA administration allowed this—with NO arrest or expulsions.

“The Undergraduate Students Association Council unanimously approved a change to its bylaws Tuesday that freezes the transfer of funds into its endowment until the UC divests from companies participating “in the violation of human rights.”

The amendment, proposed May 28 by Cultural Affairs Commissioner Alicia Verdugo, makes changes to Article VII – which concerns finance – of the USA Bylaws. The change will prevent funds from the council’s endowment from being invested into corporations engaged in “violations of international law and human rights.”

But only Israel is mentioned.  Not China, Russia, Cuba, Syria, Iran and other totalitarian nations.  This is a Hamas/Nazi student government targeted Jews—Hitler would be proud.

USAC freezes transfer of funds to endowment until UC divests

By Shiv Patel, Daily Bruin,  6/5/24

The Undergraduate Students Association Council unanimously approved a change to its bylaws Tuesday that freezes the transfer of funds into its endowment until the UC divests from companies participating “in the violation of human rights.”

The amendment, proposed May 28 by Cultural Affairs Commissioner Alicia Verdugo, makes changes to Article VII – which concerns finance – of the USA Bylaws. The change will prevent funds from the council’s endowment from being invested into corporations engaged in “violations of international law and human rights.”

Verdugo and USAC Finance Committee Chair Lucy Yin did not respond to requests for comment.

According to the council’s bylaws, the Council Programming Endowment is an investment fund maintained by UCLA Development, a university-run fundraising program. A portion of surplus funding is allocated by the council to the endowment. The council then collects returns from the fund, allocating half of the returns to the USA Programming Fund and the other half to its contingency fund.

The council previously passed a resolution Feb. 12 endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel and calling on the University to divest from companies with ties to the Israeli military, which has killed over 36,000 Palestinians in its ongoing war with Palestinian political party and militant group Hamas since Oct. 7, according to the Associated Press.

One thought on “USAC freezes transfer of funds to endowment until UC divests

  1. Like the inmates taking control of the prison, the students have taken control of UCLA. The administration has abdicated control under the guise of being progressive but in fact it is because they are fearful of the progressives.

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