West Coast Messed Coast™: LA Crazies Claim ‘No U-Turn’ Signs Are Anti-LGBTQ

How mentally ill are the radicals of Los Angeles?  They support the closing of schools in support of the Nazi like Hamas.  They want higher taxes and no cars.  They believe government schools are to teach racism, sexism and hate—plus extra credit for rioting.  Maybe they have used too many drugs or smoked too much marijuana.  Or, as I believe seriously mentally ill.

Now they believe a “No U-Turn” sign is a symbol of homophobia!!!  Obviously nothing to do with traffic safety.

“Soto-Martinez man-splained, “This type of homophobia persisted in Silver Lake 30 years after the [LGBTQ activist] Black Cat protests, and the physical remnants of that bigotry remained on our streets until yesterday, when we joined @nithyavraman to finally take the signs down!” Oh, the heroism. Thank goodness public servants have such important issues to address in failing LA.

Then again, the California Senate just approved a ban on schools notifying parents if their own children switch to using different pronouns at school.

Crime is a major issue for the people of LA and visitors.  But, to these councilpersons, a traffic sign is the enemy.

West Coast Messed Coast™: LA Crazies Claim ‘No U-Turn’ Signs Are Anti-LGBTQ

CATHERINE SALGADO, PJ Media,  6/15/24     https://pjmedia.com/catherinesalgado/2024/06/15/la-crazies-claims-no-u-turn-signs-are-anti-lgbtq-n4929896#google_vignette

Your wonderful West Coast, Messed Coast™ correspondent is enjoying a much-earned vacation, so I will be attempting to fill her shoes this week. But even though the writer may have changed, one thing is always the same: woke insanity/inanity. As GK Chesterton long ago observed, “The modern world does not need to be satirized; for it is satirizing itself.”


In the latest example of first-world imaginary problems triggering mentally unstable leftists, I give you: homophobic u-turn signs!

Yes, you read that right. Activists in a Los Angeles neighborhood succeeded in getting the city council to remove “no u-turn” signs by claiming they were intended to be anti-LGBTQ. You see, City Councilperself (or whatever the incorrect terminology is) Hugo Soto-Martinez claims, “‘No U-Turn’ Signs were installed with ‘No Cruising’ signs in Silver Lake in 1997 to target and persecute the LGBTQ+ community.” So apparently homosexuals eagerly questing about neighborhoods for a sex partner to cuddle up with and watch The Acolyte are being prevented by eeevil traffic signs.

Soto-Martinez man-splained, “This type of homophobia persisted in Silver Lake 30 years after the [LGBTQ activist] Black Cat protests, and the physical remnants of that bigotry remained on our streets until yesterday, when we joined @nithyavraman to finally take the signs down!” Oh, the heroism. Thank goodness public servants have such important issues to address in failing LA.

Then again, the California Senate just approved a ban on schools notifying parents if their own children switch to using different pronouns at school. At this point, it seems most California politicians are bent on proving that truth is, indeed, stranger — and creepier — than fiction.

3 thoughts on “West Coast Messed Coast™: LA Crazies Claim ‘No U-Turn’ Signs Are Anti-LGBTQ

  1. And Stop signs are Anti sexual. Yield signs promote sex. One way denounces variety. This guy is an idiot. B

  2. The ‘u’ in ‘u-turn’ isn’t part of their ‘alphabet ‘ title, so, for them, it’s totally homophonic. Every day they lose another neuron or synapse from their brains. Indy’s dad said it perfectly in INDIANA JONES 3:

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