Have Gov. Newsom and California Lawmakers Hit ‘Peak Stupid’ or ‘Peak Evil’?

Will you send your child to a California government school KNOWING the teacher will lie to you?  Will you go to San Fran, LA, Oakland or other large cities, knowing you have an excellent chance of being a crime victim?

“California is in a world of hurt – and not from Climate Change as Gov. Newsom would have you believe, or any future threat from it. California has high crime, high taxes (on everything), high housing costs, high college students (legalized pot), high college tuitions, high inflation, high outbound migration, high gas prices, high homeless population, high rate of State mandated secrecy of gender transitioning children from parents, high illegal alien population, high illegal alien population on state funded healthcare (Medi-Cal), high energy costs, high sex trafficking, high unemployment fraud, high abortion procedures (abortion.ca.gov), high public school teachers strikes, high porn in K-12 curriculum, high Water rationing… (and some say a high governor)…

Need we keep going for anyone to see just what a sh*t-hole state California really is under Gov. Gavin Newsom? Too many of our cities look like Mogadishu, rather than the beautiful classic California coastal enclaves the state is known for.”

In most other States if you are a candidate, you can have an easy win.  All you have to do is say your opponent is the local version of Gavin Newsom and wants to turn your State into California.  Don’t Californicate America.

Have Gov. Newsom and California Lawmakers Hit ‘Peak Stupid’ or ‘Peak Evil’?

Newsom blames Republicans and gaslights the people

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  7/16/24   https://californiaglobe.com/fl/have-gov-newsom-and-california-lawmakers-hit-peak-stupid-or-peak-evil/

California Governor Gavin Newsom was more than 60 days overdue delivering his State of the State, and when he did “deliver” it, he did it via video message, political campaign style. The Globe asked, Just How Deranged Was Gov. Gavin Newsom’s State Of The State Campaign Speech?

Newsom’s speech was very clearly a campaign job application for the rest of the country, omitting facts about California’s actual state of the state while taking shots at the other political party. But it appears at this point Newsom won’t be standing in for Joe Biden in November.

California is in a world of hurt – and not from Climate Change as Gov. Newsom would have you believe, or any future threat from it. California has high crime, high taxes (on everything), high housing costs, high college students (legalized pot), high college tuitions, high inflation, high outbound migration, high gas prices, high homeless population, high rate of State mandated secrecy of gender transitioning children from parents, high illegal alien population, high illegal alien population on state funded healthcare (Medi-Cal), high energy costs, high sex trafficking, high unemployment fraud, high abortion procedures (abortion.ca.gov), high public school teachers strikes, high porn in K-12 curriculum, high Water rationing… (and some say a high governor)…

Need we keep going for anyone to see just what a sh*t-hole state California really is under Gov. Gavin Newsom? Too many of our cities look like Mogadishu, rather than the beautiful classic California coastal enclaves the state is known for.

Gov. Newsom painted California as being “under attack” by “conservatives and delusional California bashers.” That is laughable because the California Legislature is run by a Democrat super super supermajority. The Governor is a Democrat. All of the state Constitutional Officers are Democrats. State Republicans have no say in how the state is governed except for a few very local lawmakers.

California’s elected Republicans should be placed on the endangered species list.

Monday Newsom claimed, “California is leading the nation’s economic growth.”

Do we live in the same State?

Newsom can’t brag about California’s GDP without acknowledging that California is the largest welfare state in the country with the highest cost of living, has a massive $1.5 trillion in unfunded public pension debt, a $45-$75 billion budget deficit, and record entitlement and welfare spending.

How does California’s economic growth comport with California being home to 1/3 of the nation’s welfare recipients, and home to the highest homeless vagrant population living on California streets, and home to the most illegal immigrants – all of which receive taxpayer funded entitlements.

In Newsom’s statement he says “the state has retained its title as the world’s fifth largest economy, broken tourism-spending records, increased its population, created thousands of fast food jobs, has the most companies on the Fortune 500 list, and expanded businesses in San Francisco.”

Arrogant Newsom said:

“People across the globe look to California and see what’s possible, and how to live and advance together and prosper together across every conceivable difference.”

In fact, the images of California’s streets are all over news reports – images of rotting, drug addicted vagrants, living and dying on the streets, in pop-up tent encampments filled with garbage and stolen loot – images of drug deals in city parks, or images of unprovoked violent attacks of people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Tonedeaf Newsom said:

“But the California way of life is under attack. For conservatives and delusional California bashers, their success depends on our failure. They want to impeach the very things that have made us successful, as a tactic to turn America toward a darker future.”

It’s not conservatives or Republicans who have attacked California’s way of life – it’s solely the policies of Newsom’s leftism – zero bail, felony crimes now misdemeanors, legalized drugs, the largest welfare state in the country with the highest cost of living, byzantine, conflicting regulations to build any housing, highest income taxes, exorbitant minimum wage, government created water shortages which cause shrinking agriculture, illegal immigrants flooding the California border, …

Newsom also just signed just signed Assembly Bill 1955 by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), the bill to prohibit schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused” or “transitioning” to the opposite sex. Horrifyingly, the bill’s title is “Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act.”

This is pure evil.

The bill now authorizes public schools to hide important health and medical information about minor children from parents. Welcome to George Orwell’s 1984.

And despite that the Democrat governor and Democrat supermajority Legislature continues to try to replace parents with school counselors, teachers, mental health providers, abortion providers, “gender-affirming” trans care specialists, or any number of adults willing to give vaccines, feed kids drugs, provide opposite-sex hormones, authorize gender surgeries, and get them treatment for sexual violence and rape – without a parent being any the wiser, California’s public school system is a disaster.

“Too many high school graduates are in for a rude awakening when they discover that their K-12 public education has left them woefully unprepared for the rigors of college coursework,” Lance Izumi, senior director of the Center for Education at the Pacific Research Institute, told the Globe last month. College readiness has reached historic lows, including the lowest scores in 30 years on the ACT and declining scores on the SAT, the two primary standardized tests used for college admissions.

California has the nation’s lowest literacy rate, and the California State Board of Education is focused on teaching inappropriate sex to young children.

It appears California’s schools are teaching “peak stupid” instead of math, history, literature and geography, setting students up for failure. But kids will have learned the 104 different genders, and the First Partner’s the “genderbread person,” who aims to show children how biological sex, “gender expression,” “sexual attraction,” and “gender identity” exist on a spectrum, and read Trans+: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You, “A groundbreaking all-inclusive, uncensored, must-have guide for teens who are living in this world, who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, or are questioning their gender identity or how they express themselves, and for their cis-allies and advocates.”

Gavin Newsom signed the $20 fast food minimum wage into law which has led to thousands of fast food jobs lost and fast food restaurant owners closing their California businesses or moving them out of state.

Newsom vetoed the bill to provide an annual report on the state’s homeless spending, calling AB 2570 “redundant.” So where did the $24 billion Newsom spent on homeless in California go? We will never know now that Newsom vetoed the only accountability bill that would have told us. And this bill was supported in the Assembly and Senate by both parties.

Newsom’s State of California also owes the federal government more than $21 Billion after borrowing billions to pay unemployment benefits during the Covid flu lockdowns. And while California already has paid more than $650 million in interest on the loan, there is another $550 million due Sept. 30, 2024, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Newsom, as with too many of today’s elected lawmakers, is a transactional politician. Gov. Newsom didn’t have to borrow the money from the feds – California could have used federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to pay the debt. Instead, Newsom sent stimulus checks to California residents, and spent the relief money on new projects which only increased the state’s massive budget deficit.

Newsom just signed 55 bills into law Monday – 55 new laws we don’t need, 55 new laws that will surely constrict the middle class and businesses more, 55 new laws to infringe on our freedoms.

None of the 55 new laws will fix California’s insurance crisis.

Our homeowners insurance went up 20% this year, and I feel lucky to have it – but the $3,000 bill for 12 months is painful. A good friend who moved to Nevada last year just shared his homeowner’s insurance bill – $594 for the year.

Our commercial warehouse property insurance went up more than 20% – from $6,700 annually to $14,000 for 12 months. And as with all commercial properties, those increased costs are shared by the small businesses renting the warehouse units.

This is pushing Californians to the California FAIR Plan, which is writing the highest-risk policies in California, but it is woefully underfunded, with only a few billion in assets and several hundred billion in liabilities, Ted Gaines reported for the Globe in June.

Insurers are now asking for a 34% increase in premiums in California now.

Rather than fixing what is broken in California, Newsom blames Republicans and gaslights the people. Notably, gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse and mental manipulation that makes you question your own reality and self-worth.

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