Energy policies of Biden and Newsom are the real existential threat to billions.

No drilling for oil in California will cause higher gas costs.  It will create higher unemployment.  It will cause inflation in California—while we buy oil from terrorist nations.

As Newsom demands we go all electric, our grid is not equipped to provide needed energy.  He wants farm land meant for food to be turned over to solar panels.  He wants to pollute the oceans and kill whales and fish by setting up wind turbines in the ocean.

Both Biden and Newsom do not comprehend that Tesla’s are 100% made from crude oil!

  • EV tires, electronic components, upholstery, etc., are 100% made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil.
  • FURTHER, all the parts and components of EVERY electricity generation system (coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, wind, and solar) are also made from the oil derivatives manufactured from oil !
  • Before the 1800’s, and before the discovery of oil, we had NO crude oil and obviously NO products and NO electricity and NO Tesla’s !!

Mandating EV’s, and electricity generation from wind turbines and solar panels, is mandating MORE USAGE of crude oil.”

Newsom’s energy policies are the main reason the former Golden State is now in a DOOM LOOP.

Energy policies of Biden and Newsom are the real existential threat to billions.

“Renewables” CANNOT make any of the “products” that are the basis of our materialistic lifestyles and the economy.

Ronald Stein, America Out Loud NEWS, 7/22/24,

As a refresher for Biden’s and Newsom’s passion for pursuing net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than crude oil.

  • Wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity but manufacture absolutely NO PRODUCTS for society.
  • Sadly, others are following the pursuit of ONLY weather dependent generated electricity, like nongovernmental organizations (NGO), the National Wildlife Federation, the Conservation Law Foundation, and even the Heinz Endowments, the “legacy” of former Senator and Heinz ketchup baron John Heinz.
  • Even Bangladesh, where the south Asian country’s dominance in the manufacture of clothing is being threatened with policies toward net zero emissions that  Threatens our Future Garment Purchases.

Crude oil is virtually never used to generate electricity but when manufactured into petrochemicals, is the basis for virtually all the products in our materialistic society that did not exist before the 1800’s being used at these infrastructures like: Transportation, Airports, Hospitals, Medical equipment, Appliances, Electronics, Telecommunications, Communications systems, Space programs, Heating and Ventilating, and Militaries.

Both Biden and Newsom do not comprehend that Tesla’s are 100% made from crude oil !

  • EV tires, electronic components, upholstery, etc., are 100% made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil.
  • FURTHER, all the parts and components of EVERY electricity generation system (coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, wind, and solar) are also made from the oil derivatives manufactured from oil !
  • Before the 1800’s, and before the discovery of oil, we had NO crude oil and obviously NO products and NO electricity and NO Tesla’s !!

Mandating EV’s, and electricity generation from wind turbines and solar panels, is mandating MORE USAGE of crude oil.

Simplistically, to rid the world of oil usage, STOP using the products made from oil ! 

There is no need for the crusade to over-regulate the “suppliers of oil and gas” when there is no known replacement to meet the “demands” of our materialistic world, but Democrats armed with their LACK of Energy Literacy, continue their pursuit to eliminate the only known sources of the products that are supporting modern lifestyles and economies:

Biden and Newsom are oblivious that without crude oil, there would be nothing that needs electricity!! Everything, like iPhones, computers, data centers, and X-Ray machines, that need electricity to function, and all the parts of EV’s, toilets, spacecraft, and more than 50,000 merchant ships, more than 20,000 commercial aircraft  and more than  50,000 military aircraft  are also made from the products based on oil, and use the fuels manufactured from crude oil. 

Without a replacement, the elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the world that now sustains 8 billion people—ten times the population prior to the Industrial Revolution and thankfully has experienced record crop production. This rapid increase in agricultural output is partially attributable to an increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1940, This rise in CO2 levels alone is linked to major yield increases for corn, soybeans, and wheat.

Biden and Newsom’s delusions are that the end of crude oil would be the end of civilization as “unreliable electricity” from breezes and sunshine cannot manufacture anything.

The world has also experienced significant economic growth and prosperity, benefiting from the more than 6,000 products that are derived from fossil fuels. These products support infrastructures that were not around a few short centuries ago, because they all need components and parts made from fossil fuels that were NOT available in the pre-1800’s.

If Biden and Newsom had read, and understood,  the recent book, “Clean Energy Exploitations” – Helping Citizens Understand the Environmental and Humanity Abuses That Support Clean Energy that was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, they would NOT be supportive of China and Africa continuing their exploitations of people and environmental degradation to “their” lands.

The book discusses the lack of transparency to the world of the green movement’s impact upon humanity exploitations in the developing countries that are mining for the exotic minerals and metals required to create the batteries needed to store “green energy”. In these developing countries, these mining operations disproportionately impact low-income communities and exploit child labor and are responsible for the most egregious human rights’ violations of vulnerable minority populations. These operations are also directly destroying the planet through environmental degradation.

Mandating “net-zero” emissions is frustrating when those “renewable solutions” require the same crude oil to make EV’s, wind turbines, and solar panels. Policymakers are oblivious to the fact that electricity came AFTER the discovery of oil 200 years ago.

To reiterate, to rid the world of oil usage, simplistically STOP using the products made from oil !  No need to over-regulate the “suppliers of fossil fuels” when there are no replacements to meet the “demands” of our materialistic world. It’s becoming very obvious that climate policies are the real existential threat to billions across our planet.

It is unethical, immoral, and hypocritical to continue financially encouraging China and Africa to exploit “their” poor with yellow, brown, and black skin, and financially support environmental degradation to “their” landscapes just to reinforce mandated EV’s, wind turbines, and solar panels in “our backyards”!

Please share this information with teachers, students, and friends to encourage Energy Literacy conversations at the family dinner table.

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