Government, by the nature of the beast is socialist.  It controls the money you earn, how you live, the education of your children—and when desired, it can close your church and business.  Under Trump during his first term he cut taxes, made us energy independent, stopped getting us involved in wars.  Inflation was under control and the school choice movement got a push.

The selection of Senator JD Vance shows the real direction of the GOP and the nation for the next four years.  Vance understands the problem is Wall Street, corporations and other nations controlling our policies.  Eisenhower in his final speech as President warned us about the “Military Industrial Complex.  He warned us about Big Government, Big Corporations and Big Unions.  It appears that Vance is a follower of Eisenhower ideologically.

Trump has said that he favors a 10% tariff on all goods coming into the United States.  He wants even higher tariffs on imports from China.

The result of more blue-collar support will mean higher prices (inflation) for American consumers.

If Americans have two major political parties, each of which endorses aspects of socialism, these aspects of socialism will win every time there is an election.”

The selection of Vance show that at the heart of the government will be freedom, not socialism.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to California Political News and Views, 7/24/24

In the “Communist Manifesto” of 1848, there is the phrase, “Workers of the world unite.”  The authors of the phrase are Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

On Karl Marx’s tombstone, there is a variation of that famous phrase:  “Workers of all lands, unite.”

In English, the phrase has often been altered to say, “Workers of the world, unite!  You have nothing to lose but your chains.”

Some people have referred to the ideas of Marx and Engels as “scientific socialism.”

Why should the words of Marx and Engels be mentioned at this time?

The answer might lie in aspects of the 2024 Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee between July 15 and July 18, 2024.

At that convention, the labor leader Sean O’Brien, the head of the Teamsters Union, was invited to speak.  The appearance of a labor leader at a Republican convention might mean that the Republican Party has changed from a free-market, capitalist party to a party seeking the support of blue-collar workers.

What the Republican Party may have done in Milwaukee is transform itself from the free-market, anti-communist views of President Ronald Reagan, a Republican, to a version of the Democratic Party or even the British Labor Party.  Reagan was president from 1981 to 1989.

In her weekly column in The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan, once a speech writer for Reagan, wrote:  “It [the Republican Party] is now a populist, working class, nationalist party.”  The column appeared in the Journal’s print edition of July 20, 2024.

Blue-collar workers favor higher wages and more benefits.  Thus, Donald Trump, the 2024 Republican nominee for president, might have to support policies that blue-collar workers tend to favor, such as Social Security and Medicare.

By endorsing Social Security and Medicare, Republicans will be supporting aspects of socialism.

Social Security, Medicare, and interest on the national debt will mean that balanced federal budgets will be nearly impossible.  If unbalanced budgets occur, the national debt (now $35 trillion) will increase, possibly reaching $40 trillion to $50 trillion over the next four to five years.

Blue-collar workers want to see much less illegal immigration because more illegal aliens will drive down wages.  These workers will want to see a weaker dollar, which will make American exports cheaper internationally.  Also, these workers will want to see protectionism (tariffs on imports) to make American jobs less dependent on imported goods from nations like China.

Trump has said that he favors a 10% tariff on all goods coming into the United States.  He wants even higher tariffs on imports from China.

The result of more blue-collar support will mean higher prices (inflation) for American consumers.

If Americans have two major political parties, each of which endorses aspects of socialism, these aspects of socialism will win every time there is an election.

Americans need to ask themselves if they want two parties that support aspects of socialism.