VP Kamala Harris’s Real California Record in the ‘War Against Donald Trump’

This is who Kamala Harris really is—a Marxist.  Worse she got her promotion from a run of the mill attorney the old fashioned way.  Her boyfriend was Willie Brown—who was married as the time she was his “girlfriend”.

“Sounding more like a liberation theology Marxist, Harris encouraged graduates to enter careers where they can fight to uphold “liberal values,” like championing Black Lives Matter protesters and labor union activists. Channeling class struggle, a dominant part of Marxian thought, Harris said, “You can march for black lives on the street… You can advocate for environmental justice… you can march for workers on a picket line,” even noting that students could become activists to fight for “greater diversity in the arts and entertainment,” Campus Reform reported.

Harris was courted by the liberal media as a potential presidential candidate “of color” for 2020 – an attempt to keep identity politics alive. And we know how that went.

But this as about California politics, where Harris first came into public view in 1994 when then-Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, provided Harris, known as Brown’s “frequent companion,” a high-paying appointment to the California Medical Assistance Commission. 

“Harris, a former deputy district attorney in Alameda County, was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend, the Los Angeles Times reported. “In March, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen called her ‘the Speaker’s new steady.’

VP Kamala Harris’s Real California Record in the ‘War Against Donald Trump’

California’s liberal leaders have decided that rather than work on fixing their own state, it was more important to declare war on Donald Trump

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  7/22/24     https://californiaglobe.com/fr/vp-kamala-harriss-real-california-record-in-the-war-against-donald-trump/

In 2017, James Lacy and I wrote California’s War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses? We featured “the players” in California as well as the myriad very serious issues.

Yet with all its problems, California’s liberal leaders have decided that rather than work on fixing their own state, it was more important to declare war on Donald Trump and almost all his policies.  From sanctuary city policies, to “The Wall,” to healthcare, education, the temporary travel ban, federal regulatory policy, thwarting enforcement of immigration laws, and especially climate change, these liberal Democrats in the state are demonstrating such a vicious hostility to Washington, D.C. that one wonders if they have even considered if their actions might be doing more harm than good for their causes and the people of the state. We took a good analytical look into how California’s War Against Donald Trump fared, and as well as all the political grandstanding. 

The real California record of Kamala Harris

Until November 2016, Democrat Kamala Harris was California’s State Attorney General. She received national headlines in 2013 when President Obama called Harris the “best-looking” state attorney general.

Kamala Harris, as a U.S. Senator, showed herself to be in a war against President Donald Trump. Harris gave a saber-rattling commencement speech at Howard University, in which she implored students to “fight against the dark new political climate.” Sen. Harris painted quite a dystopian picture in her address, and told students they should be concerned for the future, while she made several shrouded references to Trump’s policies.

Sounding more like a liberation theology Marxist, Harris encouraged graduates to enter careers where they can fight to uphold “liberal values,” like championing Black Lives Matter protesters and labor union activists. Channeling class struggle, a dominant part of Marxian thought, Harris said, “You can march for black lives on the street… You can advocate for environmental justice… you can march for workers on a picket line,” even noting that students could become activists to fight for “greater diversity in the arts and entertainment,” Campus Reform reported.

Harris was courted by the liberal media as a potential presidential candidate “of color” for 2020 – an attempt to keep identity politics alive. And we know how that went.

But this as about California politics, where Harris first came into public view in 1994 when then-Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, provided Harris, known as Brown’s “frequent companion,” a high-paying appointment to the California Medical Assistance Commission. 

“Harris, a former deputy district attorney in Alameda County, was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend, the Los Angeles Times reported. “In March, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen called her ‘the Speaker’s new steady.’ Harris accepted the appointment after serving only six months as Brown’s appointee to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, which paid $97,088 a year.

As San Francisco District Attorney for six years, Harris was widely criticized for being soft on violent crime and homicides, both of which dramatically increased in San Francisco during her tenure, while crime fell statewide, according to California Department of Justice statistics. Harris was frequently described as politically ambitious and cautious, and was criticized for doing nothing to take on political corruption.

Kamala Harris: Soft on Crime

Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, the five-time deported felon, had been serving 46 months in a southern California federal prison but was returned to San Francisco to face a 20-year-old marijuana charge. On April 15, 2015, San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi duly released Lopez-Sanchez. On July 1, 2015, police arrested Lopez-Sanchez in the shooting death of Kathryn Steinle, 32, on a San Francisco pier.

Governor Brown and state Attorney General Kamala Harris, as U.S. Senator, both backed up Mirkarimi’s decision to release Lopez-Sanchez. The murder of Kate Steinle prompted neither politician to challenge policies that give sanctuary to violent felons after multiple deportations.

Kamala Harris: Making a Mockery of the U.S. Senate 

During CIA director Mike Pompeo‘s Senate confirmation hearings in January 2017, newly elected Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) grilled him on whether climate change was a leading national security threat.

“CIA Director Brennan, who has spent a 25-year career at the CIA as an analyst, a senior manager and station chief in the field, has that when ‘CIA analysts look for deeper causes of rising instability in the world, one of the causes those CIA analysts see is the impact of climate change,’” Harris said. “Do you have any reason to doubt the assessment of those CIA analysts?”

Pompeo said the CIA would gather information on all threats to American security, including any that stem from climatic activity, and present them to policymakers.

But Harris would not let up. “In the past you have questioned the scientific consensus on climate change,” Harris followed up. She began to cite NASA and various other sources saying that at least 97 percent of active climate scientists believe in global warming caused by human activity, the Washington Examiner reported.

“Do you have any reason to doubt NASA’s findings?” she asked.

Pompeo defended his positions on climate change and said, “Frankly, as director of CIA, I’d prefer […] not to get into the details of climate debate and science… My role is going to be so different and unique from that, it is going to be to work alongside warriors keeping Americans safe.”

Following the confirmation hearing, Harris said Pompeo’s views on global warming called into question his ability to accept evidence and the consensus of the intelligence community.

Kamala Harris: Unlikable Candidate

During the 2020 presidential election, Kamala Harris was the first to drop out of the 2020 race before the first votes were even cast. She was so unlikable on the campaign trail, polling revealed she was seventh place in South Carolina, where most of the Democratic primary voters are black. In California, Harris’s home state, polling revealed she was near the bottom of the pack of candidates.

And then Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard took Kamala Harris apart, revealing her real record in the July 2019 presidential debate: “Harris put over fifteen hundred people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep a cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.”

Kamala Harris: Vice President

Kamala Harris, named as the Biden Administration border czar, never went to the border until she was shamed into it on national television, and then offered up a word salad of “root causes” of illegal immigration. She was an abject failure, and complained on national television that she hadn’t been to Europe.

One thought on “VP Kamala Harris’s Real California Record in the ‘War Against Donald Trump’

  1. America should not have a problem with Kamala Harris sleeping her way to the top. She was (is) in a male jungle who wanted to succeed. America has a problem for voting for a person for public office who does not have nor did have any real experience nor any concept of what she is supposed to do .

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