Democrats Perfect Banana Republic Style Politics

Kamala Harris received zero primary votes, Joe Biden got 14 million.  But Harris is the Democrat nomine.  In several States the Democrat Party tried to get Trump off the ballot.  The Biden DOJ, in collusion with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and the Fulton County Georgia DA, Fannie Willis, tried to jail Trump so he could not run for President.  This is how Banana Republic operate—and how the Democrat Party operates.

“Fast forward to 2024, the party made sure that no other candidate but Joe would be on the ballot in a slew of state primaries.  For example, as the Washington Examiner reported six months ago, “The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted 5-0 on Tuesday to honor the North Carolina Democratic Party’s request to have Biden alone on the ballot in the primary.” What’s worse? Florida didn’t even bother to have a Democrat primary this year. As reported in the Miami Herald, “The Florida Democratic Party is standing by its decision to scrap its presidential primary after it submitted only President Joe Biden’s name for the 2024 ballot.” These states were not anomalies; they were part of a pattern.

The leadership of the Democrat Party has no trust or respect for Democrat registrants—like other authoritarian groups—makes the decision—VOTES NO LONGER COUNT.

Democrats Perfect Banana Republic Style Politics

by Andy Caldwell, Santa Barbara Current,  8/4/24

The Three Coups D’Etats Against Biden

The undeniable truth is that the Democrat Party establishment doesn’t bother to pretend anymore to represent the will – or the votes – of their party faithful. Instead, they simply present the will of the party bosses (the top boss is undoubtedly Barack Obama) by presenting only one candidate to represent the party as it pertains to presidential elections.

This is clearly evident because they’ve done it three times in a row!

As Victor Davis Hanson points out in a recent column, we have just witnessed the third political coup since 2020. The first coup?  “In March 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near unison withdrew from the presidential race, ceding the nomination to Joe Biden. Suddenly, on the eve of the Super Tuesday mega-primaries, the candidacies of front-runner Bernie SandersPete ButtigiegElizabeth Warren, and others, simply evaporated.” How come? Because the party bosses figured that none of these candidates could beat Trump even though they were the apparent favorites of Democrat voters. The bosses thought the best candidate to beat Trump was Joe Biden so they “cleared the field” even though Biden hadn’t been faring well in any of the primaries. 

The Second Coup

Fast forward to 2024, the party made sure that no other candidate but Joe would be on the ballot in a slew of state primaries.  For example, as the Washington Examiner reported six months ago, “The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted 5-0 on Tuesday to honor the North Carolina Democratic Party’s request to have Biden alone on the ballot in the primary.” What’s worse? Florida didn’t even bother to have a Democrat primary this year. As reported in the Miami Herald, “The Florida Democratic Party is standing by its decision to scrap its presidential primary after it submitted only President Joe Biden’s name for the 2024 ballot.” These states were not anomalies; they were part of a pattern.

Moreover, a few states even tried to keep Donald Trump off the ballot. And they are still trying to keep Robert F. Kennedy off the November ballot to this day. Banana Republics could learn a thing or two from these Democrats. 

Coup Number Three

Democrats abandoned Biden once they could no longer lie about and hide his dementia after his debate debacle against Trump. Even then, Joe refused to go quietly into the night. It is widely believed that the party bosses had to threaten him with the “nuclear option,” which involved invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office, to get him to quit the campaign.

Behind the scenes, they coerced him into leaving the race and then declared him a “hero” for, ahem, putting the interests of the nation ahead of his own self-interest. 

Joe paid the bosses back, however, by announcing Kamala Harris as his choice to succeed him. The bosses did not want Kamala. Nevertheless, herein came the third coup. Kamala avoided an open convention when she received pledges from enough delegates to virtually win the nomination despite the fact the delegates were lawfully committed to Biden.

Biden wasn’t pushed out of the race solely because he was in the throes of dementia despite all the implications to national security from the same. No, he was also forced to quit the race because many other Democrats running for office believed their down-ticket races would be a disaster if he remained in the race. Hence, the voters in the Democrat Party have not participated in a meaningful way in a presidential election for four years.

But they don’t seem to mind, do they?

The only thing these people seem to care about is preserving political power, even at the expense of their party, our democracy, and our nation. Yet they have the nerve to declare Trump a threat to democracy?

2 thoughts on “Democrats Perfect Banana Republic Style Politics

  1. The cabal in DC surfaced under the Biden Administration. Biden was too inept to continue the coverup that had taken place under Obama. Then again, the timing was right until Joe got too much dementia to ignore.

  2. The laughing ass kamrade harris is a maxist trained communist dictator who will be the obvious puppet of the unelected bastards behind the scene pulling the strings.
    The flip flopping clown will change to meet the loudest leftist in-American hate mongers at the time.
    She has no plans, no ideas, no goals to change anything for the good.
    She will be a continuation of the biden controlled phony presidency we have suffered for the last four years.
    PEOPLE, if you care anything at all about the future of your kids, grandkids, and great grandkids, you CANNOT VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS.
    Get the hell over your totally unjustified TDS and vote with your brain this time.
    The future of all of us depend on it.

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