Eber: Camp DEI (Did Not Earn It)

While this is satire, it is based on reality.  This is what is going on, on our campuses, in our community groups and in the public forum.  Free speech for some, but not for those that believe in freedom.  Democracy?  It is a concept to hide behind, then abuse.

Yes, this is satire.  But watch as we open college campuses, try to hold elections and public rallies.

“Best ways to deal with racists, fascists, and Republicans? (Although it is often difficult to distinguish between them.) Strategies are developed on when to hold em, arrest em, and when to walk away How to act transparently towards others when you lock yourself up in your room, put on your ear phones and confer anonymously on social media. A crafts project of building a piggy bank from straw to collect for donating spare change to the campaign of Kamala Harris. Trump bashing for dummies.

Studying techniques of Adam Schiff and Joe McCarthy of how to get elected Senator by distorting the truth. Sex seminars tailored to different experience levels to be taught by grade school consultants. With such an ambitious program, tuition to attend Camp DEI is not cheap. In keeping with Progressive doctrine, the amount parents pony up is determined by their ability to pay.”

Try to tell the satire from the Progressive actions.

Camp DEI by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/7/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Welcome to Progressive summer camp for children from liberal homes. This indoctrination of young minds is intended for parents desire their offspring grow up the “Left Way”. For these enlightened folks the heartbreak of sobriety does not compare to having their kids failing to conform with woke social standards.

At Camp Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, (DEI}.every activity is done as a “team” Individuality is discouraged at every opportunity. It is hoped by the end of the session; initiative of attendees can be eliminated. The purpose of such a strategy is to insure that young people be totally dependent on government for their well being. The California Model executed by Governor Gavin Newsom is to be emulated.

When these kids grow up they will take the advice of Senator Scott Weiner desire to abandon the single family homes they grew up in and be content to reside in government subsidized stack and pack dwellings With sufficient counseling, they might even a abandon their cars in favor of mass transit and riding around on bikes. At Camp Diversity trained specialists with Phd’s on loan from public schools put students under hypnosis to modify their behavior to conform with the Green New Deal and DEI standards.

The same people who convince students, without their parents consent to change their sexual orientation, attempt to instill woke social values on these impressionable young minds. Their behavior modification includes: • Diet modification by serving vegetarian cuisine; although it might take several therapy sessions to convince quinoa and kale tastes better than McDonalds or In-N-Out Burgers. •

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson should have been convicted of hate crimes for their ownership of slaves. The outdated Constitution they wrote was intended to subjugate the population. • Even if Democrats eliminate fracking for oil and ban drilling on public lands causing dependence on foreign sources of petroleum, the country will be better off economically. •

Capitalism is the source of all evil. Government is much more efficient than private enterprise in getting difficult tasks taken care of. Just ask the Secret Service or the DMV to learn how to get the job done right. • The concept of enforcing international borders is both outdated and racist by definition. Giving out merit badges or certificates of achievement are banned at Camp DEI. Following the Young Pioneer model in the Soviet Union, such activities do not fulfill the objectives of a Socialistic- Utopian society.

However, several seminars are available to teach young progressives ethical behavior. Among the most popular courses are: Hate Crime Prevention. How to spot a woke violation that disturbs you in any way? When is it appropriate to turn the alleged perpetrator into law enforcement for corrective action? Teleprompter use for beginners. How to explain usage to grandparents and others who put their foot in their mouths in explaining basic information? This course is especially recommended for children related to politicians residing in Washington D.C. How to prevent bullying, even when you are nor aware of doing it?

Best ways to deal with racists, fascists, and Republicans? (Although it is often difficult to distinguish between them.) Strategies are developed on when to hold em, arrest em, and when to walk away How to act transparently towards others when you lock yourself up in your room, put on your ear phones and confer anonymously on social media. A crafts project of building a piggy bank from straw to collect for donating spare change to the campaign of Kamala Harris. Trump bashing for dummies.

Studying techniques of Adam Schiff and Joe McCarthy of how to get elected Senator by distorting the truth. Sex seminars tailored to different experience levels to be taught by grade school consultants. With such an ambitious program, tuition to attend Camp DEI is not cheap. In keeping with Progressive doctrine, the amount parents pony up is determined by their ability to pay.

Regrettably, the homeless are not welcome. Because of concerns from a small segment of parents, the owners of the business have had to adapt a “Not on my block” policy on this matter. Traditional activities such as horse back riding, canoeing, camp fires, and visits from parents are allowed on a limited basis. As a blast from the past there are still safety rules in place pertaining to use of the swimming pool. If you have intercourse you will have to stay out of the water for an hour. Heavy petting will get one 30 minutes of Time-Out! Participating in Ménage de One Take a cold shower Cramps are to be avoided at all costs.

2 thoughts on “Eber: Camp DEI (Did Not Earn It)

  1. It seems like (in my opinion) most Americans have forgotten the first three words of the mantra written by the Founding Fathers:
    For the rest of us, the issues that we are currently having to deal with today should be stark reminders of WHY our Constitution was created in the first place! This is the reason why so many people have just forgotten or ignored those first three important words. The ‘people in power’ were placed in those positions by (some of) us with the ‘hope’ that things would be better. Kamala really spoke the truth when she said, ‘…they got what they voted for…’.IF you believe the 2020 election was ‘fair and honest ‘ <(sic).
    There is no rhyme, right, reason nor excuse for this country to be in the shape it's in today but WE THE PEOPLE can take back our country with two more words:

  2. Actually, yes, We the People got what we voted for, including the very real Camp DEI in schools, colleges, universities, corporations, media, everywhere. It is going to take a lot more than four years of Trump, or any liberty-leaning leader to reverse over half a century of cultural disintegration brought about by the Camp DEIs.

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