Since Harris was selected, by the cabal that created an insurrection and coup, she has done better than Biden in the polls.  Yet, even the Washington Post and CNN have denounced her for her Socialist price fixing plans, her refusal to sit down for a real interview, for NOT debating Trump.  The more we find her policies—like a Federal takeover of the drug industry and ending private health care, the less people support her.  As an example of her astro-turf campaign, on Monday she went into a café for a campaign stop.  To do that SHE kicked out all the customers and replaced them with two busloads of ACTORS, to make it appear as she really has support.

The Hill is reporting that RFK Jr. is seriously considering endorsing Trump.  This could happen on Thursday as Harris accepts her coronation (she received ZERO primary votes, while Biden received 14 million—this is called a coup, not a nomination)

Harris is refusing to debate Trump on Fox.  She is hiding from the press.  We are witnessing the collapse of the Harris campaign.  As Trump lessens his attacks on the Democrats and promotes his record as President and plans for an economic recovery, his campaign will surge.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  8/22/24

If Donald Trump wants to be re-elected, he needs to revivify his campaign.

By contract, Ronald Reagan was, in all of his election efforts, a brilliant campaigner and a spectacular vote-getter.

Trump keeps changing his mind on such subjects as abortion, the setting of interest rates, and taxes.

Put simply, the Trump campaign needs to define itself.

When Reagan ran for president, he kept saying that government is not the solution to our problems, adding that government is the problem.

In his October 1980 debate with President Jimmy Carter, Reagan spoke some memorable lines.  He asked voters if they were better off than they were four year earlier.  He spoke of America as the “shining city on the hill.”  Reagan asked why is it inflationary if a person keeps more of his own money but not inflationary if the government keeps more of that money.

At the end of the debate, Carter stood frozen behind his podium.  Reagan walked all the way across the stage to shake hands with Carter.  To many observers, that walking gesture sewed up the election for Reagan.  In the electoral college Reagan won 489 electoral votes.  Carter received 49.

Trump, while in Georgia recently, criticized that state’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp.  Trump appears to hold a grudge against Kemp because of Trump’s loss of Georgia’s electoral votes in 2020.

Trump, now in his third run for the presidency, seems to be lost without having President Joe Biden as an opponent.

Trump has questioned Vice President Kamala Harris’s racial background.  Why doesn’t Trump stick to issues like inflation, illegal immigration, and crime?

The possibility exists that Trump, who insults, Democrats, other Republicans, and anyone else he does not like, is not running a cheerful and energetic campaign the way Harris is.

Harris is vulnerable on such issues as food prices, price controls for certain prescription drugs, and an apparent softness on crime.  Trump ought to be attacking Harris on those issues on which she is vulnerable. 

While vice president, Harris was part of an administration that bungled, in 2021, the evacuation of Americans troops (and others) from Afghanistan.

Now that President Joe Biden (age 81) has quit his re-election campaign, Trump (age 78), is, in American history, the oldest candidate of a major American political party.

At all costs, Trump must not appear to look like a tired, old man.  Where is Trump’s enthusiasm?

The election is on Nov. 5, 2024.  There is time for Trump to turn things around.  But time is getting short.

If present trends continue, Americans should not be surprised if the next president-elect is named Kamala Harris.

4 thoughts on “Colman: TRUMP’S CAMPAIGN IS FALTERING?

  1. Agree. Republicans can’t win on sour faces and insults. The Democrat powers that be are cranking up an aggressive campaign of “joy” and “empathy” (miserable economic policies, but voters nowadays won’t figure that out).

  2. Somehow Donald Trump has managed just fine … everyone second guesses him. Please list for me those Americans who were elected president by only running for one political office: president. By now, most fair-minded people have concluded that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump … Joe “Basement” Biden got 81 million votes the way I won the Miss Universe pageant.

    What concerns me is that there are so many Americans who are fine with electing TWO COMMUNISTS!

  3. Don’t believe everything you read and hear. The Democrats overstated their employment numbers by 800,000. Polls are designed to illicit the results the pollster wants, or they just make up the numbers. Will Rogers said it best “If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you are misinformed”. Technology just makes the misinformation available sooner.

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