Eber: Protectors of democracy?  

Free speech is guaranteed in the constitution.  Private social media forms, like Facebook, need government support and protection to exist.  So when the Feds tell Facebook to censor the truth and lie to the public, they do.  COVID, Bidens health, the infamous laptop, the Russia Russia hoax—all promoted by the Fed.  Like a totalitarian nation, the Feds are feeding us the information they want us to have and keep from us the truth, that we need in order to make decisions and vote.

“Mark Zuckerberg in a letter submitted to Jordan admitted:

  1. Biden-Harris Admin ‘pressured’ Facebook to sensor Americans.
  2. Facebook complied.
  3. Facebook throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story, open discussion on the origins of Covid-19, and several other sensitive issues.

This means the Meta CEO:

  • Allowed for him and his businesses to be bullied by an administration who has depicted itself to be the “Protectors of Democracy”.  They encouraged him to abandon following the 1st amendment of the Constitution protecting free speech in order to benefit their Progressive agenda.
  • Zuckerberg did exactly that in keeping criticism of Dr. Fauci’s handling of the Covid-19 epidemic (including satire) off his social media conglomerate.  Who the hell gave him such authority?  Was it God or the Democratic Party?
  • Going along with this, Facebook and other social networks (including Google) helped debunk the charges that a government lab in China was responsible for starting Covid.  Neither the United States and China (who both were doing Covid research there), wanted to take responsibility for starting the epidemic. Dr. Fauci was lying thru his teeth claiming the dreaded virus originated in a public market.

Government lied and Zuckerberg acted as an assistant.  That is called election interference—when will the Federal officials and Zuckerberg be indicted?

Protectors of democracy?  by Richard Eber

Richard Eber,  Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/3/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

In his capacity of operating the media empire Facebook-Meta, itsfounder Mark Zuckerberg has obtained influence transcending  the power of any dictator or U.S. President.

Each day more than 3 billion people worldwide enter the web site. What pops up in their computer screens is determined by alpha rhythms orchestrated by the media mogul.  

Zuckerberg’s influence is further enhanced by Meta’s subsidiaries Instagram, WhatsApp, Threads, and over 20 other high-tech ventures he controls.

Whether this juggernaut can be considered a monopoly or an oligopoly, is subject to conjecture.  Thus far the anti-trust division of the Justice Department has pretty much left Zuckerberg  alone.

The exception was a minor suit settled last year pertaining to how Facebook displayed real estate listings.  It was resolved in a sweetheart deal with the full cooperation of both parties.

There might be a reason for Zuckerberg’s cozy relationship with the Biden-Harris Administration.  In 2020 he contributed 400 million dollars to the Democratic cause.

For this, the Donkeys received a lot of bang for their buck. According to data released by a Congressional investigation led by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan:

Mark Zuckerberg in a letter submitted to Jordan admitted:

  1. Biden-Harris Admin ‘pressured’ Facebook to sensor Americans.
  2. Facebook complied.
  3. Facebook throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story, open discussion on the origins of Covid-19, and several other sensitive issues.

This means the Meta CEO:

  • Allowed for him and his businesses to be bullied by an administration who has depicted itself to be the “Protectors of Democracy”.  They encouraged him to abandon following the 1st amendment of the Constitution protecting free speech in order to benefit their Progressive agenda.
  • Zuckerberg did exactly that in keeping criticism of Dr. Fauci’s handling of the Covid-19 epidemic (including satire) off his social media conglomerate.  Who the hell gave him such authority?  Was it God or the Democratic Party?
  • Going along with this, Facebook and other social networks (including Google) helped debunk the charges that a government lab in China was responsible for starting Covid.  Neither the United States and China (who both were doing Covid research there), wanted to take responsibility for starting the epidemic. Dr. Fauci was lying thru his teeth claiming the dreaded virus originated in a public market.
  • Zuckerberg admitted killing the Hunter Biden Laptop story weeks before the 2020 election, even though it was posted by credible sources. At the same time he censored criticism of the Russian Hoax letter signed by 51 so called intelligence experts. In addition, Facebook declined to publish factual news sources of Hunter Biden’s corrupt activities serving on the Ukraine energy board of Burisma.

If these acts do not comprise election interference, what does?  It should also be noted Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial involved  foiling young Biden’s pay to play corrupt scam in the Ukraine. It can be legitimately asked if Zuckerberg knew these charges were bogus, why did he decline to post this information in his social network?

After the revelations  by the Meta CEO  were revealed to Chairman Jordan, it is no surprise the story was soon killed by the liberal news media.  To admit the truthfulness of Zuckerberg’s admissions, would make the likes of the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Google, and others look like a bunch of manipulating-lying fools.

Will Biden’s Justice Department that brought us prosecutor Jack Smith’s “Lawfair” and assorted bogus legal proceedings against Donald Trump, ever charge Mark Zuckerberg for this massive cover-up?

Of course not!

In reality. the expression “Lock em Up” more applies to the Facebook chief

Than many others who were targeted by the Biden-Harris regime’s Justice Department.

Political insiders believe Meta’s CEO is trying to protect his business empire in the event Donald Trump wins a second term of office.  Playing both ends against the middle has been his calling card since his social network  was founded as a student at Harvard.

Zuckerberg is an extraordinary con artist of manipulation.

Those of us who defend our Constitution, including our Bill of Rights, reject his behavior.  We believe it is imperative for our democracy to survive, it will be necessary to break-up Zuckerberg’s empire, Google, TikTok, etc.

When their influence surpasses democratically elected governments, leveling the playing field is imperative.

It should not matter how much money is donated to political campaigns or the co-operation given to the leftist cause.

3 thoughts on “Eber: Protectors of democracy?  

  1. Whoever controls the media controls the propaganda. Look to the communist countries and Nazi Germany. Whoever is in control of the dollars is in control of the propaganda. The greedy entrepreneurs went to bed with the feds over money and the money talked. The Government should not be involved in any enterprise except an enterprise that is vital to the general population and America in general, ie, Utilities, Roads, Dams or anything else that is not a policy making or for profit entity.

  2. Good question — why did Zuckerberg come out now? He is in trouble no matter who wins the presidency. Trump will probably consider Meta an illegal monopoly, and Harris has said Meta and other social media should be regulated. So, maybe Zuck feels his best bet might be to join the opposition?

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