Democrats Aren’t Serious About Lowering Gas Prices

Californians pay about $1.50 in gas taxes.  Add to that another $1.91 due to government regulations.  That explains why we have the highest cost of gas in the nation.  In New Jersey you can get a gallon of unleaded for about $2.75.  But Newsom is worried.  It is still not high enough to bankrupt people into walking biking or using crime and disease ridden, dangerous government transportation.

You will not find him sending his kids to school on a government bus.  He will not force his wife to walk to the grocery store.  But, he is rich and an elite.  He does want you to be inconvenienced.

  • “More than a year after signing legislation to create an advisory commission on gas prices, Newsom has yet to appoint anyone to it. Even Democrats pointed this out at Monday’s hearing.
  • Newsom’s own administration has admitted that new regulations could cause gas prices to spike another $0.47 cents a gallon next year. Despite the insanity of this number, Newsom hasn’t raised any concerns or indicated he’s interested in avoiding crushing drivers at the pump.”

On November 5 will the voter wake up and vote against those killing the California Dream?  Will they recognize that Democrats have made it hard to survive in the former Golden State?

Democrats Aren’t Serious About Lowering Gas Prices

Assembly Republican Caucus,  10/8/24

SACRAMENTO – Despite California drivers consistently paying the highest gas prices in the country, Democrats aren’t serious about bringing costs down. How do we know?

  • More than a year after signing legislation to create an advisory commission on gas prices, Newsom has yet to appoint anyone to it. Even Democrats pointed this out at Monday’s hearing.
  • Newsom’s own administration has admitted that new regulations could cause gas prices to spike another $0.47 cents a gallon next year. Despite the insanity of this number, Newsom hasn’t raised any concerns or indicated he’s interested in avoiding crushing drivers at the pump.
  • Republicans had to wait four months for a response from the California Air Resource Board to simple questions about the cost of Newsom’s climate policies on drivers.
  • Assembly Democrats refused to vote on Republican bills that would have lowered the price of gas immediately, such as suspending the gas tax and exempting gas from Cap-and-Trade.

Make no mistake, Newsom is doing everything he can to make gas more expensive — and his Democrat allies in the Legislature are complicit in his deception.

One thought on “Democrats Aren’t Serious About Lowering Gas Prices

  1. There is a direct correlation between the amount of taxes a state will levy on it’s citizens and the amount of taxes the citizens will allow the state to levy. The amount of taxes one state levies on one item has no bearing on the amount of taxes another state taxes the same item. The Populus is only concerned about the total taxes charged.

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