Eber: Double Standards

As the saying goes, without double standards there would be no standards.  During COVID Guv Newsom took friends to a $300 a plate meal, while NOT wearing a mask—he forced us to order our food, stop going to restaurants.  He closed our government schools.  His children got to go to a very expensive private school, in person—no internet learning for them.

Kamala Harris is not pushed to answer questions—instead she is interviewed by comedians and haters of freedom.  Trump is willing to answer any and all questions—but the media doesn’t like his answers.

Trump creates the Abraham Accords providing peace to the Middle East. Biden/Harris gave money to Iran, to finance Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations—but the media calls Trump antisemitic.

Bidens lies about taking money from Russia, China and other totalitarian nations—but the Democrats impeach Trump for talking to a world leader before he becomes President.

We are living in an area of double standards.  The media allows this, it no longer reports the news, it is a mouthpiece for the Establishment and government.

Double standards by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/11/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com 

Less than 35 days prior to the Presidential election, it is getting more difficult to handle the lies, allegations, rhetoric, deception, and outright stupidity of Kamala Harris’s campaign for the presidency

There are more one trick ponies than might be found at a Brony Convention. We are supposed to take Kamala Harrisas a serious candidate while the VP avoids scrutiny from the press and social media.

When the Democratic standard bearer emerged from her bunker two months after the Democratic convention, she consented to softball interviews with Howard Stern, The View, and Steven Colbert.

Her stint on 60 Minutes was heavily edited by CBS to cover over Harris’s inept performance.

How these appearances will resonate with moderate voters in swing states remains to be seen.

Harris  tries to make us believe abortion is the most important issue in the campaign. Apparently she thinks illegal immigration, inflation,  and the Biden Administrations blunders in Middle East foreign policy are of less importance.

On The View Harris, the alleged candidate of change, could not think of a single thing she would change from what the Biden administration has done since being elected to office.

Even more ridiculous are the completely unfounded charges that Donald Trump is another version of Adolf Hitler.  Ironically Trump, who received agreement from Arab governments for the Abraham Accords, during his term of office is considered a Nazis by the Left.

They continuously call him a war monger despite the peace that existed in the Middle East and in the Ukraine, when he resided in the White House.

Harris’s allies with the news media don’t care. They look like fools when they fail to deal with FEMA running out of funds to deal with recent Hurricane disasters because over a billion dollars was diverted

to assisting illegal migrants with lodging, food, medical care and transportation. Is this how Democrats champion the rights of the working man?

When Helene struck, Joe Biden could be found getting a tan at his Delaware beach house while Kamala was raising millions with posh fund raising events.

While this sad event was unfolding, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith  (appointed by Biden’s Justice Department) issuing a 155 page report on Donald Trump’s alleged crimes. MSNBC and CNN found

his findings were a major bombshell, despite no new information being displayed

They also had no problem with the legal system breaking tradition of trying to influence an election a month prior to when votes are to be cast. This dog and pony show did not go on in Venezuela or Cuba; but

transpired in the alleged land of the free and the brave.

Between the malicious prosecution of Donalds Trump and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer telling Israeli’s to dump their prime minister, an all time low has been reached.

Joe Biden has even gotten in the fray advising Israel to cave into Hamas in hostage negotiations after the terrorist group murdered several innocent civilians they are holding. 

Meanwhile it is business as usual in California.  Governor Newsom has done his part in promoting  election integrity.  He recently signed a bill that bans poll workers from asking those casting ballots to show an I.D.

This action by the Governor is an insult to African Americans and other minorities indicating they lack the resources to provide a simple I.D. when casting a vote.

At  the same time up to a million voters are sent ballots who are diseased or have moved. Were Boss Tweed still around, his advice “to vote early and often“ could easily be accomplished in California.

Meanwhile the middle class in the “Golden State” are being hit with what amounts to a new tax if Proposition 35 passes. The measure helps finance the expansion of MediCal by an increased assessment

on those enrolled in health plans such as Kaiser and Blue Shield.

This expenditure is expected to go up in the future because Proposition 35 includes coverage for illegal aliens and the Homeless that have moved to California.

With such a sweet deal it will take more than walls to keep thousands  of eager folks from throughout the world from swimming across the Rio Grande to head West towards their sanctuary bordering the Pacific Ocean.

As the last month unfolds prior to November 5th, excuses for Harris and her running mate Tim Waltz continue unabated. Following GOP Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance’s sound defeat of Walz In their debate,

Progressives could only complain the Republican was much more experienced in oratory.

Despite all that has transpired, the Harris-Trump contest is considered a toss-up.  To be determined is if voters will emerge from their trance and do the right thing.

One thought on “Eber: Double Standards

  1. The “Gots” always live by a standard that is different from the rest. Arnold had a smoking tent on the grounds of the Capital. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” available online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Walmart for less than the cost of a burger, fries and diet drink.

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