Eber: Election time is approaching

America is very polarized.  This is because we are in a Civil War and have been for several years.  The War is between those that support the Constitution and freedom, against those that want America to look like the old Soviet Union or China.

Most do not know they are supporting a fascist ideology—like those supporting the Hamas/Nazis, those that want everything free.  These are the folks that believe if you do not accept their ideology, YOU are a fascist and must have your speech ended, shamed and isolated.  Rights need to be taken from you if you do not support the censorship of Americans.

Since 2020 it has gotten worse—and I expect, regardless of the November 5 outcome—it will gwet even worse.  Why?  There is no more trust or respect for other, absolutely no trust or respect in anything said by government (neither side trusts government—for good reason, it LIED about COVID, masks, vaccines and still refuses to admit we have a health crisis due to the so called vaccine and isolation mandated by government).

This is a death spiral for the United States.  To get out of it, government needs to come clean about all its lies, corruption and abuse of power.  Otherwise this will continue until we have a fighting Civil War.

Election time is approaching by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive  to the California Political News and Views,  10/15/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

It must be election time.  Friends on both the left and right are avoiding me like the plague.

Even my wife observed I am more unhinged than usual.

This sad state of affairs bugs me.

At the Doggie Park, normally friendly puppies are biting me,  Even offering them milk bones to gain favor is failing.

I guess anti-Trump obedience training given by their masters has been successful.

I could only wonder if there is a Canine Political Action Committee (PAC) that has been working to defeat

Donald Trump?

Gardener friends told me they looked forward to conversing with me next winter.

Because of vandalism, I was forced to remove my Trump for President bumper sticker off my truck.

Two hit and run collisions from drivers who declined to leave their names, was too much a coincidence  to endure.

At 7-11, I was refused service while wearing MAGA Tee shirt.  The clerk apologized in saying “My hands are tied. This is company

policy”.  I then asked to speak with the store manager.  To this I was told his supervisor would be available when he returned

from a Al-Qaeda meet and greet reception.

Wearing this MAGA attire at Home Depot resulted in me receiving ridicule from strangers. Apparently the lettering on my hat

agitated shoppers at the home improvement store.

One of the guys screamed at me by comparing my candidate to Hitler. I retorted that his perception was wrong as Donald Trump

did not murder 6 million Jews during the Holocaust.  I also mentioned the Abraham Accords that were approved during his term

in office that promoted cooperation between Israel and their Arab neighbors.

My comments did not mollify a limousine liberal in the hardware department. Proudly displaying his “I support Kamala” tee-shirt,

the gentlemen went on to say “Trump is a war monger who will lead us to World War III.”

I countered there was no war in the Ukraine while sanctions against Iran prevented their involvement with proxy wars when Trump was in charge.

Swearing under his breath, the Harris supporter soon disappeared into the gardening section.

So much for my efforts of promoting “meaningful dialogue” in the month prior to the Presidential election.

It soon became obvious supporting Donald Trump amounted to a hate crime in California; as  the rent-a-cop escorted me to my vehicle.

Little solace could be found viewing cable news outlets.

The usual pre-election paranoia patrol banter was going on in the MSNBCCNN echo chamber,  During the coverage of deadly hurricanes,

Joe Biden and his would be successor were criticizing  those who were unhappy with FEMA’s slow response in dealing with Hurricane Helene.

Biden branded Trumps remarks to be  “anti-American” and “hateful” while conveniently failing to mention the disaster agency was ruling

low on funds due to over a billion dollars of their budget being diverted to assist illegal aliens.

This Democratic strategy of stifling dissent is reminiscent of Dr. Fauci’s efforts to silence those who questioned his

judgement in handling the origins of the Covid-19 epidemic emanating from the Wuhan lab in China.

We all know how that turned out!

On Cable TV, advertisements touting the benefits of Viagra and Cialis have become almost non-existent.  They have been replaced by attack

commercials by both the Harris and Trump campaigns.  How will I ever know “when the moment is right?”

Relaxium Sleep ads have become scarce fas well.  This  benefits  me as Mike Huckabee no longer appears in my dreams. Apparently,

the political campaign has gotten so boring that sleep supplements are no longer required for  most people to receive the proper amount of rest.

The same goes for hearing aid sales,  Given the repetitious nature of political advertisements, those who are in need of this apparatus,

are often turning them off these days.

For those with good auditory skills, I am told ear plug sales are booming at Walgreens. Demand is so high they need to be locked up to

impair shop lifters from procuring them for sales on the black market.

I can easily forget about the advertisements for medical conditions, many of which are unknown to me. If only we could ban the “My Pillow” guy

from the airways.  Mike Lindell makes me nostalgic to listening to the immortal words,” I’m falling and can’t get up.”

As election time grows nears, the concept of non-partisan is virtually nil. Were John Dillinger still around, it would be difficult to get his girlfriend

to wear a red dress to the movies.  For Democrats, being attired in blue is required until all the ballots are counted.

For me November 5th can’t come soon enough.

2 thoughts on “Eber: Election time is approaching

  1. The United States of America is TWO nations under ONE flag. How long will that last? We will find out between November 6, 2024 and January 20, 2025.

  2. Thanks for this calm and thoughtful article. Indeed, when did we all exchange divisiveness and name calling for focused discussion on issues?

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