Eber: Voters left to holding the bag

At the end of the day. The voters are always left holding the bag.  Whether it is bond measures, sales tax increase, candidates who lie.  They all sound wonderful, candidates sound sincere—but we know we are going to get harmed.

“Preferential treatment to the virtual political halfwit Kamala Harris is in stark contrast to her opponent in the Presidential election Donald Trump.

Every time he opens his mouth, a legion of alleged fact checkers is calling him a liar.  Sometimes they are right.  Often Trump’s stories exaggerate the truth.  He should stop the childish name calling labeling his opponents as crocked, lying, dumb, and sleepy.

Outside of the lies and deception from foes, Trump is his own worst enemy.  The 45th President makes his advisories and allies cringe.  Such behavior brings the well founded allegation Trump is not fit to hold the office of President.”

If you watch mainstream media for news and information, you must not have a high IQ.  If you watch them for fun and laughs, then you got it right.  Seriously, if you do not want to be left holding the bag, vote early and be  careful how you vote.

Voters left to holding the bag by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/18/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Next month will mark election day.  It will be the weirdest one I can ever remember.  Harris vs Trump is a match-up different than any other in history.

We have a Republican for which 35% of the voters absolutely detest. When his name is mentioned, the expression “Lock em up”  is an understatement.

Rational behavior is thrown out the window.  In Progressive world the rules of fair play and decency don’t apply.  We have on the top of our list Adam Schiff’s phony Russian collusion allegations ( later to be documented to be fiction.

The findings of the House Committee studying what transpired on January 6th are treated like they are undisputed gospel.  It mattered not that a hatchet job was done on the former President by partisan committee

lacking true GOP involvement.

Even worse was the letter signed 51 intelligence agency experts saying the contents of Hunters Biden’s laptop was  likely Putin’s handiwork.  Later even the NY Times  had to admit the Russian collusion hoax was about on about the same level as the Steele Dossier.  

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

No apologies could be found from  news and social media admitting their mistakes.  Such acts of contrition amounts to little else but collateral damage in attacking Donald Trump.  

Adam Schiff is headed for the U.S. Senate while Tony Blinken continues  his charade of being his countries top diplomat as Secretary of State.

But wait, there’s more!

Last week could be found similar incident of disgusting behavior pertaining to Kamala Harris’s doctored up interview on a highly respected 60 Minutes segment.

CBS News, doctoring up their footage of  Kamala Harris  by allowing her to change her answer on U.S. policy towards Israel to be different to what was broadcast on their Face the Nation program Sunday..

Because the VP’s  word salad response was so insipid, the producers of 60 minutes gave her a second chance . Editing is one thing but misrepresentation like this should result in whomever was responsible at CBS for this outrageous transgression be fired.

Don Hewitt and Mike Wallace would jump out of their graves in shame if they knew their former show had fallen to the journalistic depths of the MSBC-CNN sewer of deceit. 

Preferential treatment to the virtual political halfwit Kamala Harris is in stark contrast to her opponent in the Presidential election Donald Trump.

Every time he opens his mouth, a legion of alleged fact checkers is calling him a liar.  Sometimes they are right.  Often Trump’s stories exaggerate the truth.  He should stop the childish name calling labeling his opponents as crocked, lying, dumb, and sleepy.

Outside of the lies and deception from foes, Trump is his own worst enemy.  The 45th President makes his advisories and allies cringe.  Such behavior brings the well founded allegation Trump is not fit to hold the office of President.

If he happens to lose, it is believed Trump’s abrasive personality will be responsible, especially with well educated female suburban voters.

So we come to a an election where only about one third of those participating likes either of the candidates.

Most  Democrats, who reluctantly supported Joe Biden’d bid for a second term, privately were grateful Kamala was not on the top of the ticket.  Her word salads and subpar knowledge of issues (except abortion) have made Ms. Harris less popular than even her boss.

Then came Biden’s  intellectual  collapse during his debate  with Trump. Led by former President Obama and Nancy Pelosi,  a coup of Democratic Party heavyweights forced Biden to withdraw from the race. They ended up giving Harris the nomination without facing any scrutiny from voters even once.

Since then avoiding facing the press or giving meaningful interviews to the main stream media has resulted in Harris having a difficult time trying to convince undecided voters in swing states to gain their support.

Ironically, Donald Trump has the same problem.  Discounting his loyal supporters and a few Democratic Kamala haters, he is also struggling to gain the favor of crucial swing voters.

The truth is millions of Americans dislike the two candidates. Were Rodney Dangerfield in the race, he would have more “respect” than this two.  This might account why most Trump and Harris voters prefer to take their answer “off the air” when it comes to discussing the current political campaign.

With the exception of some zealots, many Americans are ashamed of the choices being put before them.

Unlike at least the five or six elections, very few bumper stickers or lawn signs are present in California.  Perhaps Democrats think their nominee is a mirage who they subconsciously hope will disappear. 

Trump backers love to show their colors at rallies but in most cases prefer not to publicly display  support for their candidate.

At least where I live in Northern California the end result has been a empty landscape when it comes to getting behind Harris or Trump. Lawn signs and bumper stickers are almost non-existent. 

The lies and deception has basically worn the body politic out. As a result, voters are virtually left holding the bag once again.

Welcome to politics, American style.

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