Eber: Hail Mary

I have been working in campaigns and politics since 1960.  Seriously, this is the most interesting and exciting campaign season I have ever seen.  Like a Phoenix, Trump has come back.  Like a weasel, Kamala Harris created a coup and threw out a sitting President.

Now we are at the closing days of the campaign.  Trump is talking about economics, borders, national security and energy.  Harris is talking about Hitler and Mussolini.  (of course if Trump was going to be like them, why did he give up power on January 20, 2021?).  He is ending on policy; she is ending on hate.

Watch for, as Rich Eber notes, a “Hail Mary” by Harris and the Democrats.  My prediction is, whatever it is, it will backfire on the Democrats.

Hail Mary by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/24/24   www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com 

In football we have this Hail Mary play.  This refers to an act of desperation where the quarterback throws a long pass into the end zone as time is expiring.

Such a strategy seldom works.  Even if the defense intercepts the ball, no harm can come.  Once in a blue moon a team succeeds, this occurred in a recent game when the New York Jets scored a touchdown on this play just prior to halftime against the Buffalo Bills.

In politics Hail Mary’s are an important part of political elections. They are almost always undertaken by candidates who are behind 3 weeks prior to when votes are tabulated.

Such is the plight of Kamala Harris who finds herself headed for certain defeat against her rival Donald Trump. Opinion polls indicate a doom loop for her efforts to defeat the former President.

To shore up her floundering campaign, the V.P.is trying to recapture the support of male African-American voters.

Having lost over 15% of this key voting block from the last election, Harris has undertaken a Hail Mary approach to bring this important group back into the fold.

Her campaign managers are concerned the traditional Democratic staple of showing up for services at Black churches with Al Sharpton in tow, won’t work this time. Neither will be spreading the race card fable of African-Americans being disenfranchised by having to show an I.D. when casting a ballot.

Both of these tactics have left those of color frustrated and angry at their Blue office holders.  It is felt in many Black circles, Democrats are disrespecting them by saying they are not intelligent enough to stand up on their own against alleged GOP abuse.

With their support fading fast the campaign’s Hail Mary effort to recapture the Black vote has been Harris’s recent strategy involving:

  1. Legalizing the recreational use of Marijuana. (Since many dope dealers were put out of business in the ghetto because of legalized cannabis dispensaries, perhaps the Harris administration might consider giving them interest free loans to start another enterprise)

    2. Providing grants to Black entrepreneurs. (Even if similar DEI based programs  have been rejected by the Supreme Court.)

    3. Creating more apprenticeships and Government sponsored research programs to study sickle cell and other diseases that disproportionately effects African-American men.

    It remains to be seen if this patronizing program on Harris’s part will be successful.

    She is trying to counter the fact that during Trump’s term of office, African-American unemployment was at its lowest level in over 40 years. In addition, net wages were up for this often economically struggling group.

    Huge Black population centers in cities such as New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Oakland, might want more this time than empty promises, never to be fulfilled.

    Many think Harris’s plan of keeping African-American men perpetually stoned while receiving additional government assistance to be insulting.  This proposal, right out of the Cheech and Chong playbook,  appears to be destined for failure.

    Given the Biden-Harris’s pathetic performance with controlling inflation, preventing the influx of millions of illegal migrants at our Southern border, and facilitating rising crime rates, it is no wonder Harris is trying to bribe voters to gain their favor.

    Similar to efforts in Venezuela, the Democratic nominee wants to combat increased costs at the grocery store by cracking down on alleged price gouging by big business. she says is responsible for food inflation.

    Harris also desires to expand Medicare services with more coverage for Seniors. She proposes lowering prescription costs and eliminating taxes on health plans.

    Prior to her nomination Harris advocated cutting out the middle man (Insurance companies) who administer these programs.  She has since changed her mind, denying such intentions.

    Lastly we come to the nations housing shortage for which the V.P. hopes to remedy by constructing 3 million new units during her term of office.  We are supposed to believe the Biden administration that could only build 8 electric car charging stations with a 7.5 billion budget, is supposed to achieve this stated housing goal under President Harris’s guidance.

    Nowhere in her lofty plans is there concern for the amount of residential  units  being  currently occupied by millions of illegal aliens that have been allowed to migrate to the United States under the Biden-Harris regime.

    Also missing from Harris’s vision of the future is the $ 64,000 Dollar Question of how to pay for her new expenditures. Increasing taxes on billionaires and corporations might sound good on paper; but is considered by economists to be a sure formula for creating more inflation and a major recession.

    All of these so called “promises in the dark” Hail Mary efforts are soon forgotten after votes are counted.  Yet to be determined is if African-American men and other sensitive voting blocks are ready to heed the advice of The Who, that proclaimed we “Won’t get fooled again.”

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