Newsom made it clear—fish and the climate change scam are more important then lives and properties. He demolished dams, he allowed needed water to flow into the ocean. Gavin refused to clean the brush or cut the trees. His every policy was geared to making highly intense and deadly fires.
This is what happened in NYC when they had a New York Slicky as Mayor—he lost his election. “As the city painfully dug its way out from under the huge snowbanks, Mayor Lindsay drove to Queens to meet with residents. His limousine had trouble driving on the streets that were still not adequately cleared or salted. Optics of people booing and screaming at Lindsay were on a par with Los Angelenos verbally assaulting Newsom.
Lindsay was criticized for the city’s lack of preparation. Blizzards are part of New York City’s winter weather, just as Santa Ana winds are part of southern California’s weather. Hizzoner’s lack of leadership in handling the situation eventually became known as the “Lindsay Snowstorm.” It created a political crisis for the tall, handsome guy with great hair who wanted to be president.
Does this mean the Democrats will lose in 2026? Only if we work for it and remind folks that they are the cause of the California DOOM LOOP.
The Never-To-Be Forgotten ‘Newsom Fires’
By Robin M. Itzler, American Thinker, 1/15/25
Have you heard of the “Lindsay Snowstorm?” It will soon have a companion story called the “Newsom Fires.”
Republican John Lindsay was New York City’s mayor from 1966 to 1974. Lindsay, like Gavin Newsom, was tall, handsome and had great hair. Like Newsom, Lindsay often relied on his looks to compensate for what was lacking between his ears. And, like Newsom, Lindsay thought he would make a great president.
Until a blizzard hit the Big Apple.
On Sunday, February 9, 1969, New York City was expecting rain but was suddenly overwhelmed with a blizzard that brought 15 inches of snow. (Personal note: my childhood recollection was being thrilled schools would be closed for several days.) New Yorkers weren’t blaming Lindsay for the snowstorm, but they did blame him for what they saw as a lack of leadership in the aftermath of the storm.
The city that never sleeps was sleeping because there were few to no snowplows clearing the streets, highways, or bridges, as 15 inches of snow created snowbanks and icy roads. For three days and, in some instances, up to one week, the city was immobilized. People were stuck in airports. The New York Stock Exchange was closed. Grocery store shelves were empty as trucks couldn’t make deliveries, leaving people without food. Depending on the location, schools were closed from one to several days. The subways that went above ground weren’t moving, leaving some riders stuck underground. And the buses? Fuhgeddaboudit!
Without snowplows to clear the roads, highways, and bridges, no one could get around the city. That included ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks. With a slow mobilization, there were 42 deaths and 288 injuries.
As the city painfully dug its way out from under the huge snowbanks, Mayor Lindsay drove to Queens to meet with residents. His limousine had trouble driving on the streets that were still not adequately cleared or salted. Optics of people booing and screaming at Lindsay were on a par with Los Angelenos verbally assaulting Newsom.
Lindsay was criticized for the city’s lack of preparation. Blizzards are part of New York City’s winter weather, just as Santa Ana winds are part of southern California’s weather. Hizzoner’s lack of leadership in handling the situation eventually became known as the “Lindsay Snowstorm.” It created a political crisis for the tall, handsome guy with great hair who wanted to be president.
When re-election time came, he did not win the Republican primary, so he ran as a third-party candidate. The anti-Lindsay vote was split between the Democrat and Republican candidates. Lindsay won re-election and another four mediocre years in Gracie Mansion. However, the snowstorm and his perceived failures in handling the aftermath resulted in his Oval Office dream being snowplowed into oblivion.
“Newsom Fires”; I couldn’t have put it better myself. In fact, as much as I talk about how what I call “The Newsom Effect” will have a positive impact, electorally speaking, for the Right in California. Next year, I sense a Republican governor elected will be more a matter of everything but if.