Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  2/5/25      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Corrin Rankin/Kamala Harris vs. President Trump/GOP

One of the major responsibilities of the Chair of the California Republican Party is to a spokesperson for the  Party includes defending the policies of President Trump, the Platform of the Republican National Committee and the Platform of the California Republican Party.

The Trump Administration just opened an investigation of several UC campuses, including UC Berkeley for discrimination and antisemitism.  Our UC system still promotes CRT/DEI and Affirmative Action—all policies based on racial discrimination.

But first, where is Corrin Rankin on the Life issue?

This is from an ABC TV interview of Rankin at the 2016 GOP National convention.  “I do not want to tell a woman to have a baby or not.  I support Roe v. Wade.”  Of course the RNC, CRP Platforms are pro-life—as is President Trump.  She has the same position on this issue as does Kamala Harris. You will find this at about 1:40 into the interview.


We expect our Chair to speak out against these vile practices.  So where does Corrin Rankin stand on the race issues?  Remember:

She voted for Obama

She voted NOT to allow the California Republican Party endorse Donald Trump

She did attend conventions in favor of Trump—as did thousands of others.

On January 30, the California Federation of Republican Women held a ZOOM interview with Corrin Rankin and Mike Morrell.

  1. Corrin was asked why she supported Prop. 16—a ballot measure in support of Affirmative Action.  She did not answer (Morrell was opposed to Prop. 16).  Rankin has the same position on this as Kamala Harris.
  2. Rankin was asked why she supported Assemblyman Tom Lackeys’ request of other Republicans not to vote on a bill to have the UC system reinstate affirmative action.  This is not a joke—she said that Lackey was having a bad day, and she wanted to cheer him up (Morrell opposes reinstatement of affirmative action in the UC system)  Kamala Harris, like Rankin support returning affirmative action.
  3. When asked why the CAGOP did not endorse Trump, she did not answer.  (Morrell supported Trump).  Harris, of coursed was happy the GOP did not endorse Trump
  4. At no time during her interview did she oppose DEI or CRT.  In the past she has been a supporter of CRT—just like Kamala Harris (Morrell opposes both CRT and DEI)

Think about this—how do want your voice heard?  By someone who opposes the policies of President Trump, the RNC and CRP Platform?  Or someone that stands with you and President Trump.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

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