Eber: DOGE comes to California

California spends over $119 billion on Medicaid—larger than the Florida budget.  One reason is that we pay for a minimum of 750,000 illegal aliens to get free health care.  If we did not audit of the system, eliminated those illegally getting tax dollars, we could actually balance the California budget based on this one item.

“It would be great if the leader of GOGE could find out who in State government is responsible for at least 20 billion dollars worth of unemployment fraud run up during Covid-19.  California is still on the hook for this massive screw-up.  Should this mystery be solved, at least we could fire the schmuck responsible for this scam. 

How about the incompetence involved with the Bullet Train fiasco?  What brilliant people were able to take a 33 billion dollar project and make it cost at least 100 billion bucks more.  Even then, virtually none of it has been built.

We could set up a snitch line, so the public could report the waste, fraud, abuse and corruption.  Actually, they would need numerous lines, just for the corruption.

DOGE comes to California by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/4/25  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Elon Musk and his band of his band of fiscal warriors are finding billions in waste, corruption, and deception in the Federal budget. Perhaps we might consider deputizing them for a long weekend to ply their trade in California?

Our home state is totally messed up.  Mr. Musk has been aware of this malaise in trying to protect his Tesla Assembly plant in Fremont from being put out of business by unwarranted governmental intervention.

Between entrenched bureaucracy, high taxes, humungous energy costs, and over regulation, the entrepreneur has been forced to move most of his operations to Texas.

Typical of business California style was the Coastal Commission’s efforts last year to limit  his SpaceX’s launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base.  The reason given by this appointed body was to sanction SpaceX because of Musk’s close relationship with Donald Trump.

Such action drew the scorn of Governor Gavin Newson. He soon withdrew this so called “red herring” ruling.  Even the Governor recognized his state lacked authority to regulate activities in outer space.

It would be great if the leader of GOGE could find out who in State government is responsible for at least 20 billion dollars worth of unemployment fraud run up during Covid-19.  California is still on the hook for this massive screw-up.  Should this mystery be solved, at least we could fire the schmuck responsible for this scam. 

How about the incompetence involved with the Bullet Train fiasco?  What brilliant people were able to take a 33 billion dollar project and make it cost at least 100 billion bucks more.  Even then, virtually none of it has been built.

Figuring out what went wrong is well below Musk’s pay grade.  Even a functional-illiterate student educated in public schools should be able to evaluate the failure of the Cho-Cho no nowhere.  In the meantime an audit is urgently needed but likely will never occur.

It would be great to see DOGE delve into the reason why energy costs in California are among the highest in the nation.  Could it be:

     1.  Governor Newsom constantly raising gas taxes while at the same time diverting funds allocated for fixing the roads to public transport and for construction of seldom used bike lanes.

  1. In implementing California’s Green New Deal, the legislature and various appointed Boards are doing their best to stifle petroleum production.  Between over regulation, insisting on expensive unrealistic fuel blends, and prohibiting the construction of new manufacturing facilities, wacko environmentalists have triumphed while consumers have been left holding the bag at the gas pump.
  2. While liberals laud the Cap and Trade policies that have forced       business to subsidize high cost solar and wind farms.  Business’s and consumers (without appropriate audits) have had to pay for this energy boondoggle.  At the same time  safe-cheap nuclear power is off the table because unwarranted paranoia of the environmental lobby. 

Another place for DOGE to investigate is water policy.  Despite billions allocated by voters to increase the supply of H2O, virtually nothing gets built.  Perhaps the recent wild fires that decimated the Los Angeles area may provide a wake-up call to Governor Newsom and his Green New Deal dittohead supporters in Sacramento.

To increase water storage, court challenges of approved Environmental Impact Reports (EIR s) and The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQU)  would need to be curtailed.  The same goes for streamlining the permitting process.

The needs of the residents and farmers in California far outweigh sanctimonious environmentalists  who are dedicated to blocking progress.

While Elon is on the job he might also try to fix California’s poor performing public education system.

Despite spending over $25,000 per student, the state is still in the bottom 10% in the country in literacy test scores in English, math, and science. It is possible the elimination of DEI programs by the Trump Administration might help; but don’t bet the ranch. 

There is so much work for Elon Musk and GOGE to do in California. He may need to be given more than a weekend pass to fix what ails the locale where he once resided.  Unfortunately, a fiscal bazooka is necessary to address this debacle.

Should the work of GOGE on a national level prove successful, it is possible grassroots support might emerge in California to block destructive Progressive government policies.

Workers Comp reform, ineffective housing laws, duplicating zoning requirements, and reducing the power of unelected commissions, are but appetizers of what needs to be done.

It is probable the richest man in the world is more likely to have his picture adorning the walls of the Post office, than being listened to as the voice of reason.

For the rest of us “Tears shall drown the wind”.  Electing a new Governor in 2026 can’t come soon enough. 

2 thoughts on “Eber: DOGE comes to California

  1. This is why we need to take advantage of last year’s Republican voter registration and vote for a non-RINO Republican governor next year, or our state is finished.

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