Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/5/25 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
This is strange. During COVID we were forced to abide by the Fauci scam of no meetings, closed schools, closed churches, social distancing and diapers on your face. County Committees had months of no meetings, or ZOOM meetings. Little got done.
On March 10, the LAGOP is going to have the continuation of its organization meeting. Last month they met and after five hours were unable to complete the election of a few officers—the only real item on the agenda. After the Elks club, the meeting place, closed them down, they went to the parking lot to complete the meeting—and decided not to.
Now, via ZOOM, instead of a real meeting, the LAGOP will hold the election. Literally, only 2-3 people made this decision. They did not ask the over 160 members what they thought. They have not been told if there is a cost to the use of a third party application to hold “secret” ballot voting, as the by-laws require.
We know from the State Party that NO votes are secret—NONE. They will give you a matrix with every vote taken—except for officers. That does not mean there is not a record of who you voted for, for Chair and other officers. It is just that the delegates are not allowed to know. But you vote is recorded by the system, by name. The same for the LAGOP system? No one knows. No delegate or candidate is allowed to monitor the system or check the algorithm.
Does this mean the LAGOP will only hold meetings via ZOOM? How do the members who do not use ZOOM get to vote? Does this mean members who are not available at the meeting time can send their ZOOM link to a friend, to have them vote for them? That would be proxy voting—which is not allowed by the county by-laws.
Is this really the Republican Party, in a county with the most Republican in the nation?
Why does Rank Oppose the American Public, President Trump, the Republican National Committee and Demands computer voting instead of paper ballots
Rasmussen just published a survey that shows 60% of Americans want paper ballot. “Election Integrity: 60% Favor Requiring Paper Ballots”
President Trump wants paper ballots for 150 million Americans.
The Republican National Committee wants paper ballots for 150 million Americans
Corrin Rankin wants a PDA device for 1500 California Republican Party delegates. Yet, while opposing the Party and President Trump on DEI/Abortion/CRT, Affirmative Action and more, she wants to be a spokesperson for us. Here is more evidence:
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
RINOism at its worst.