Bonta drops lawsuit against school’s parental notification policy on transgender students

This is a surprise.  AG Bonta, the lead bigot in California, hater of parents and families is going to allow truth be told to parents in one school district.  He is giving over authoritarian control of children in one district, from government, back to parents.

  • “Bonta filed a lawsuit against the district that same month on the basis that the policy violated California’s Equal Protection Clause and a state law that ensures equal rights and opportunities for children regardless of gender identity, as well as California’s constitutional right to privacy. 

Driving the news: Bonta’s decision comes on the heels of a decision from the San Bernardino County Superior Court last year that requires schools to inform parents if any official or unofficial school records for their children are changed. 

  • Schools are not mandated to notify parents about name or pronoun changes under the ruling. 

Why do parents put up with Educrats lying to them about their children?  Why do they allow sexual abuse, that is really what this is, in government schools.  Maybe a boycott of classes until teachers stop lying.  What do you think?

Bonta drops lawsuit against school’s parental notification policy on transgender students

While schools are not required to inform parents about children changing their pronouns, parents will be informed when any official or unofficial records are changed.

by Daniel Gligich, The Sun, 2/27/25

California Attorney General Rob Bonta has dropped a lawsuit against a Southern California school district over its parental notification policy. 

Chino Valley Unified School District will move forward with enforcing part of its parental notification policy in light of Bonta’s decision. 

The backstory: In August 2023, Chino Valley Unified implemented a parental notification policy to require its schools to inform parents if children made a request to change their name, pronouns or gender identity at school. 

  • Bonta filed a lawsuit against the district that same month on the basis that the policy violated California’s Equal Protection Clause and a state law that ensures equal rights and opportunities for children regardless of gender identity, as well as California’s constitutional right to privacy. 

Driving the news: Bonta’s decision comes on the heels of a decision from the San Bernardino County Superior Court last year that requires schools to inform parents if any official or unofficial school records for their children are changed. 

  • Schools are not mandated to notify parents about name or pronoun changes under the ruling. 

State of play: Last year’s ruling also goes hand-in-hand with Assembly Bill 1995, which was signed into law last year. 

  • AB 1995 bars school districts from adopting policies that require schools to notify parents when students change their names or pronouns. 
  • Chino Valley Unified’s policy does not mention names or pronouns related to gender identity and only applies to official and unofficial school records. 

What they’re saying: “The victory in California courts reinforces the rights parents have in making decisions about their children’s education and the critical role parents play in guiding their child’s education, well-being and safety,” said Chino Valley Unified Board President Sonja Shaw. “Let the court’s decision serve as a powerful statement that any action that undermines or attempts to strip away parental rights will be challenged. Let it also serve as a reminder that if we don’t challenge the system, we give up our voice and freedoms.”

  • Shaw called on parents to step up and demand transparency to ensure that all decisions made in education are made in the best interest of the children. 

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