Eber: Ineptitude Personified

Karoline Levitt, Press Secretary for President Trump has changed the mix of journalists inside the press room, the Oval Office and Air Force One.  Instead of the mainstream media that misrepresents the Trump actions and policies, she opened it up for ALL journalists.  For the first time online newsletters, conservative media organizations and podcasters get a seat at the table.

The California Republican Party continues its efforts to limit those types from getting press passes.  Actually, it means very little and is silly to think the works of the CRP will not be reported.

Just as the current leadership does not allow conservatives to have a real role in the Party, they also try to keep journalists that do not report based on their spin to have press passes.  And, that is why they are irrelevant—they did it to themselves.

Ineptitude Personified by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/11/25  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

The immortal words of Thomas Wolfe “You can’t go home again” once again applies to me with respect to the Republican Party.

For the third year in a row outgoing GOP Chairwomen Jessica Patterson has nixed my application to receive a press pass to cover their convention March 14th to the 16th.

Being the author 55 columns for the past year in the California Political News & Views, has not been enough. Apparently, the Party only welcomes Republicans in Name Only (RINOS) and the Democratic Press to their gatherings.

Conservatives such as myself and the Tea Party contingent are not considered to be worthy enough to occupy space in their tent of toleration. To be admitted to the Hyatt Regency, one needs to hide behind the banner of a GOP approved organization.

Sadly, freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution, does not apply in this case.

What might be the political hate crimes committed to be relegated to an FOB sidewalk status?  Over the years I have been critical of the inept manner the State GOP has conducted themselves.  This has included:

  • Most of the fundraising done by Patterson has gone to paying salaries of employees of her organization.  Very little of the money raised by them has actually gone to Republicans candidates running for office.
  • The Democratic Party that has leveraged support from the Teachers and Public employee unions to register new party members.  Indoctrination begins early in the education process. In contrast efforts to encourage signing up conservatives to vote by the GOP are virtually nil.  A vast majority of students in public schools are not even aware Democrats  face viable opposition.
  • Since Arnold was in charge, no Republican has been elected to a State wide office. With the top two vote getters facing off after primaries, Republicans rarely make it to the finals.  In many cases progressive legislators end up running virtually unopposed.  This has resulted in the Democratic Party having a totalitarian like stranglehold in Sacramento.  Six years ago, Chair Patterson said she would work to end this.  As best as can be told, she has done nothing—which means she supports it (before being Cahir she campaigned to make top two the law)
  • The State GOP is so lame that they failed to endorse Donald Trump until after he decisively won the Presidential primary last year.  In 2023  State organization blocked a grass roots effort to support him by a vote of Central Committee members.

Making the pathetic record of failure even worse is in the dying embers of her term, Jessica Patterson has  reinstated the old voting system that she utilized  to gain power.

Eligibility to name her successor as Party leader is largely determined by delegates chosen by County Committees.  Most of these groups are comprised of RINO’s who end up casting ballots favoring the status quo.

The vote at the Republican Convention determining party leadership is virtually fixed.  Proxy ballots, will likely once again determine the outcome of the election. So it is business as usual.

The State GOP might as well hired Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro as their special democracy consultant.

With such a lame system in place, it is no wonder why it is so difficult to raise funds for Republican candidates in California.  No one wants to support a loser.  Only the self-funded or largely Red locations in the Central Valley have even a remote chance to come out ahead in November. 

The end result of this debacle is conservatives being largely politically impotent in determining Governmental policy in Golden State

Where do we start to reverse the misery Progressives have inflicted? 

Is it with the unholy alliance between the Teachers, and Public employee unions? They both  give complete loyalty to the Democratic Party. in exchange  they receive bloated pension plans continually being propped by the State. 

The same general template is utilized by crafts unions and Sacramento.  In this case expensive Project Labor Agreements (PLA) are insisted upon for public works projects  or any contract where government subsidies are involved. Adding 20% to bankroll construction is considered to be chump change. Consumers pick up the tab.

It matters not the most expensive energy price in the 48 States fuel this incompetent Progressive inferno.  One trick pony environmentalist zealots are content their Green New Deal dreams are fulfilled by the rejection of fossil fuel energy by Gavin Newsom and his allies in the legislature.

The average cost of gasoline being a buck more a gallon than the rest of the country amounts to acceptable collateral damage. Cap and trade is a co-dependent to energy policies that stifle manufacturing. This results in the exodus of high paying jobs to more business-friendly locales.

So where does the Republican Party in California stand while the Democrats bully them into docile submission?

One would think the pitiful performance of public schools, inflated housing prices, ridiculous energy costs, and high taxes would result in the GOP  gaining ground. Unfortunately, this has not been the case.  In fact the CRP Leadership forced the endorsement of a $20 billion bond for failing schools run by the unions and special interests ($10 billion for schools, $10 billion for Wall Street in interest payments).

It is hoped such concerns would weigh heavily on delegates at the GOP confab in Sacramento.  At this point how can things possibly get more depressing?

2 thoughts on “Eber: Ineptitude Personified

  1. For the California Republican Party to welcome RINOs and Dems but exclude conservatives is almost like allowing non-Catholics to be elected Pope(I happen to be Catholic).

  2. Wow. All so true. However, the two crucial challenges are: 1) the County Committees are “comprised of RINOs who end up casting ballots favoring the status quo.” So, it is not just the state Central Committee but the entire California Republican Party that needs resuscitation . 2) “Democrats bully them into docile submission.” Translation: Republican fear of fighting a good fight. Until folks from California’s Red-leaning counties find a way to wiggle themselves into the County Committees, nothing will change.

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