Del Beccaro: America’s Domestic Energy Policies Are Its Worst Foreign Policies

Biden ended the Iran sanctions on oil—so Hamas had money to kill off Jews.

“According to the Biden Administration, it “has delivered on the most ambitious climate, conservation, and environmental justice agenda in history.” Part of that includes pushing Americans to buy Green.

One major problem with that is that those policies are enriching America’s largest adversary – China. In 2023, China’s manufacturing share of solar panels was 82%. It also manufactured 65% of wind turbines and 83% of batteries.

Of course, the profits from those sales have helped pay for China’s huge military buildup. Indeed, a 2024 year end Fox headline stated that “China directs largest military build-up since 1930s Nazi Germany, expert warns, citing Pentagon report.”

According to another recent report, “[Chinese] Defense spending has surged this year, with official Chinese data indicating a 7.2 percent increase, the third consecutive year of growth exceeding 7 percent. China has become the world’s largest shipbuilder, with a capacity 230 times greater than that of the United States. Its navy is the largest globally, and its arsenal of ballistic and cruise missiles is expanding at an unprecedented rate, with its nuclear stockpile growing faster than any other nation. The PLA, too, is pursuing innovative technologies and warfare tactics, like the self-splitting swarming drones unveiled in March.”

Our energy policy under Biden has been the way totalitarian and terrorist nations have financed their efforts against us.  Literally, Biden and his Progress were financing wars, terrorism and hate.  We now know whose side they were on—it was Not America’s.

America’s Domestic Energy Policies Are Its Worst Foreign Policies

U.S. energy policies have fueled wars in the Middle East and Ukraine

Thomas Del Beccaro, 2/20/25

A strong economy at home, history tells us, is necessary to project strength abroad. Since the 1970s, however, the United States’ energy policies have weakened its domestic economy while strengthening the economies of nations often hostile to the United States.

Indeed, Americans have enriched provocative Middle East countries for decades. Today, we are enriching China. It is time for the new Trump Administration to end America’s dangerous energy policies for the sake of World peace.

It is important to note that American energy fueled its economic rise and contributed to World peace.

We became the World’s largest economy in the late 1800s and remains so today. Now, America energy supplies are among World’s largest because American technology has fostered a shale oil and fracking boom.

The United States’ powerful economy allowed us to become the World’s Arsenal for Democracy, as FDR said in 1940. Before that, American industrialization made it possible for President Woodrow Wilson to advocate American entrance into World War I to “make the world safe for democracy.”

Famously, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher, stated that “Ronald Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot.” That was due to an American economy on the rise and the Soviet empire’s economy on the decline.

Without America’s oil industry, however, America’s contributions to World peace may not have been possible. That lesson, however, has been lost on American policy makers over the last 60 years.

Beginning in 1948, America became a net importer of oil – importing over 41 million barrels of oil that year – a number that has continued to grow. In the month of December of 1970 alone, America imported 47 million barrels of oil. By December of 1987, that number rose to 216 million barrels and a high of 324 million barrels in August of 2004.

Of course, much of those imports came from the Middle East. In the process, the United sent hundreds of billions of dollars to OPEC countries, like Saudi Arabia and Iraq. We have also imported large amounts of oil from Iran prior to 1980 and even from Russia since the turn of this century.

Obviously, we have enriched those countries and our petro-dollars helped develop their oil industries. In turn, those countries have used some of those dollars militarily. They also attacked our allies, sponsored terror, and otherwise caused the United States to increase its defense spending.

Dependence on foreign oil also cost American jobs in several ways. First, by under-developing American energy for decades, American jobs were lost at home for all of those decades. Second, the oil embargo of 1973 caused economic hardship in America and around the world.

That oil embargo also gave great impetus to America’s green energy movement. Today, that movement seeks to limit American use of oil products and demands the transition to green energy products.

According to the Biden Administration, it “has delivered on the most ambitious climate, conservation, and environmental justice agenda in history.” Part of that includes pushing Americans to buy Green.

One major problem with that is that those policies are enriching America’s largest adversary – China. In 2023, China’s manufacturing share of solar panels was 82%. It also manufactured 65% of wind turbines and 83% of batteries.

Of course, the profits from those sales have helped pay for China’s huge military buildup. Indeed, a 2024 year end Fox headline stated that “China directs largest military build-up since 1930s Nazi Germany, expert warns, citing Pentagon report.”

According to another recent report, “[Chinese] Defense spending has surged this year, with official Chinese data indicating a 7.2 percent increase, the third consecutive year of growth exceeding 7 percent. China has become the world’s largest shipbuilder, with a capacity 230 times greater than that of the United States. Its navy is the largest globally, and its arsenal of ballistic and cruise missiles is expanding at an unprecedented rate, with its nuclear stockpile growing faster than any other nation. The PLA, too, is pursuing innovative technologies and warfare tactics, like the self-splitting swarming drones unveiled in March.”

That is not all. Reports indicate that the United States purchases more than $10 billion a year annually in pharmaceutical drugs from China and was purchasing over 80% of its rare earth metals from China.

Apparently, the United States learned nothing from its Middle East experience.

In simple terms, it is time for the United States and all its allies to stop funding the military ambitions of Iran, China, and Russia. Those purchases cost domestic jobs, increase U.S. defense spending and have fueled wars in the Middle East and Ukraine.

During the first Trump presidency, he boasted that America has become energy self-sufficient. In reality, the United States always could have been energy self-sufficient. That self-sufficiency is needed now more than ever.

As for drug and rare earth metal purchases, America cannot leave itself exposed on such critical necessities. Recently, China banned rare earth exports to the United States. We should take this opportunity to develop our abundant supplies instead of being at China’s whim.

Further, America must bring home the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs that were chased away by excessive regulations and taxation. The Trump presidency should also create the first stockpile of strategic pharmaceutical drugs like we did with oil.

In the final analysis, it is time for the United States to learn from the errors of its energy past. Peace through strength means military and economic strength and that should be America’s New Year’s resolution every year.


Thomas G Del Beccaro is Author of The Lessons of the American Civilization and The Divided Era and host of the podcast Del Beccaro and Hook

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