Fresno Unified School Districts have some programs to support one race—and other program or lack programs to help other races. In simple language, Fresno Unified School District is racist and biased—in their own words.
“‘Administrators direct teachers to inform ONLY African American parents and students about these opportunities, leaving other students unaware.’
Officials in the Fresno Unified School District in California, with 71,000 students, have set up a number of academic support programs for them.
Only they are “marketed” only to black students.
Which has prompted the Pacific Legal Foundation to launch a legal challenge to the district for “unlawfully gating” access to the student help programs.
“It is unfair and unconstitutional to gate access to valuable educational programs based on a child’s race, regardless of whether the exclusion is explicit or implicit,” explained PLF lawyer Wilson Freeman.
Until this lawsuit I bet the folks in Fresno did not know of the racism of the district Administration. The good news is not the lawsuit form Pacific Legal Foundation. Nope, I bet by summer we hear of a lawsuit by the DOJ. And, I suspect the Department of Education will stop giving money to the District until it ends its racist policies—bet that gets their attention.
‘Deeply Troubled’: School District Accused of Hiding Help from White Students
Guest by post by Bob Unruh, The Gateway Pundit, 3/3/25
‘Administrators direct teachers to inform ONLY African American parents and students about these opportunities, leaving other students unaware.’
Officials in the Fresno Unified School District in California, with 71,000 students, have set up a number of academic support programs for them.
Only they are “marketed” only to black students.
Which has prompted the Pacific Legal Foundation to launch a legal challenge to the district for “unlawfully gating” access to the student help programs.
“It is unfair and unconstitutional to gate access to valuable educational programs based on a child’s race, regardless of whether the exclusion is explicit or implicit,” explained PLF lawyer Wilson Freeman.
“Taxpayer-funded academic support programs should be available to all students based on need, not race. FUSD’s practices violate multiple legal protections, including the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, the Civil Rights Act, and California’s Proposition 209.”
The district, in fact, has an “Office of African American Academic Acceleration,” to address achievement gaps between black students and others.
That office runs 13 various programs with a $12 million budget, and focuses “on mentoring African American middle and high school students,” the legal team explained.
While the programs lack a specific racial requirement, “they are marketed exclusively to African American students,” the legal challenge charges.
“Administrators direct teachers to inform only African American parents and students about these opportunities, leaving other students unaware.”
The report said Fresno is the state’s third-largest school district, and the “acceleration” office was created back in 2017.
It was “started with a $742,000 budget to mentor African American middle and high school students,” the report said.
“Academic need doesn’t discriminate. It affects students of all races who need extra support to reach their full potential. This includes children whose parents belong to Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER), a nonprofit group that fights for equal treatment under the law,” the legal team explained.
“These parents have children in Fresno schools who could benefit from A4 programs but were either kept unaware of the opportunities or, worse, led to believe they weren’t eligible because they’re not black. The parents are also deeply troubled that the district spends millions in taxpayer dollars on programs that de facto exclude their children for no other reason than skin color.”
The lawyers pointed out the Supreme Court has said, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
Direct violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act? There are both criminal and civil sanctions already in place for this stuff.
You hit the nail on the head!
I’ve never been to Fresno, and even I know Fresno is not even a SIZABLY Black city(last I hear heard, Blacks made up less than a TENTH of the city’s residents, and it’s safe to say, even though many school districts’ proportions of select nonwhite groups tend to be greater than the proportions of the cities’ residents, it would not surprise me if Black students made up, AT MOST, an even 10-15% of Fresno school students), so YES, charges of ant-nonblack racism are valid at the very least.