Water is about to get a lot more expensive for millions of Californians

Thank you Newsom.  We gave you $7 billion for water storage facilities, you have not spent a dime of it.  We have water that is dammed—and you release it to go into the ocean rather than to families and agriculture—hence making the cost of food to go up and inflation to rise.

“Millions of Californians are set to see significant water rate hikes over the next few years, with prices for essential water supplies jumping by double-digit percentage points. In one large city, cumulative increases could see prices jump about 70% just in the next five years.”

You can change this in November, 2026—elect a government that serves you not the special interests.

Water is about to get a lot more expensive for millions of Californians

by Farley Elliott, msn,  3/8/25   https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/water-is-about-to-get-a-lot-more-expensive-for-millions-of-californians/ar-AA1Awaun

Millions of Californians are set to see significant water rate hikes over the next few years, with prices for essential water supplies jumping by double-digit percentage points. In one large city, cumulative increases could see prices jump about 70% just in the next five years.

Interestingly, despite statewide warnings of an incoming period of drought, the county’s rate increases aren’t because of a lack of water. For decades, the water authority has built out a robust infrastructure network to store water and supply San Diego County even during dry periods, but new water reclamation and desalination projects mean that the region may not need that much imported water in the very near future. 

Yet for now, the cost of the water itself, and the price of maintaining all that infrastructure, is leading to increased rates for homeowners. Per the Union-Tribune, the rate hikes would be used to “cover sharply rising costs for workers, imported water, chemicals, energy, construction projects and other priorities.”

In 2015, San Diego’s Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant — the largest in the nation — came online, and it is currently producing water for area businesses and residents. And in 2027, the city of San Diego’s Pure Water program, which purifies recycled water, is set to begin. That project should be fully operational by 2035, further reducing the need for imported water from the water authority.

4 thoughts on “Water is about to get a lot more expensive for millions of Californians

  1. Fellow California voters, when are you going to learn?
    Newsom only cares about one thing.
    And that one thing is Newsom.
    Slimball gavin doesn’t care about the sinking ship California which he will jump off when the presidential yacht gets close enough.
    We have an unlimited water supply off our coast but we are too stupid to use it because narrow minded environmentalists control California. A proposed desalination plant will be fought from day one with extremely expensive lawsuits which will kill the job.
    There is only one way to save California.

    1. I ALWAYS knew Newsom was not anyone’s friend but his own. Every time he has run for statewide office(I live in Los Angeles and have for so long I, who have lived in Southern California all my live, so I couldn’t vote for him when he ran for San Francisco mayor), I have voted against him. I’ll vote for a 4-year-old before I vote for Democrats ever again.

  2. $450 MILLION (plus??) was earmarked for Klamath Dam Removal under the auspices of Fish Impediments. Pull the wool over the voters eyes again! Largest Dam removal in the history of the World!

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