Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/21/25 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
Go here to see Bob Hope explain how you know someone is a Democrat—you will love it. Though many years old, the words could have been spoken today:
Even before it started, we get an idea about the communications of the new Chair, Corrin Rankin. This comes from the March 14 edition of the California Playbook:
“Mike Morrell, a former state senator running for party chair, said Republicans will boost their numbers by focusing on parental choice in education, crime and loosening California regulations he says are cumbersome to businesses. But he called culture-war issues like the focus on trans athletes “equally as important.” He’s running against party vice chair Corrin Rankin, who declined to be interviewed.” The role of the Chair is to be the spokesperson for the Party. But, when given a chance to meet the media and explain what she would do? “she declined to be interviewed”. Some might not know it, but on Friday morning the CRP Board of Directors were served with a cease and desist. The cause? The CRP, against the by-laws would not allow some delegates to be seated and Chairs of counties not recognized. By, Saturday, the Proxies and Credentials Committee gave in to the by-laws and the cease and desist, and allowed several appointors to either be seated or be allowed to make their appointments. Of course this was too late for those people to get to Sacramento and vote. |
Then we had the Chair of Marin, who won the position by a 14-3 vote—NOT seated in time for the Chairs of Chairs election. Instead, the CRP staff or someone recognize someone else as Chair. That made a major difference in the Chairs of Chair election. AFTER that meeting the rightful Chair was seated.
On Sunday, after the convention, the Board of Directors had their normal Board meeting. During which Chair Rankin had a loud argument with Thomas McTernan, the former chair of AAA and long time Team Cal Chair. That got loud. Then when Tom Ross, spoke up to defend Tom, Rankin got into a loud match with Ross.
In the end, Chair Rank removed McTernan as Team Cal Chair, replaced him with Kevin Faulconer, the well known anti-Trumper. Ross was removed and replace with former CRP Chair Ron Nehring. Then the Budget Chair Mario Guerro was removed and Greg Gandrud took his place.
But the big news is that on Monday, less than 24 hours after being elected, Chair Rankin and the new Board were served with a Cease and Desist. By Thomas McTernan and Mike Hade, Team Cal board members. They did not want Rankin or the Board to spend the money they raised.
Since the CRP is not telling the delegates about the actions, thought you should know.
(NOTE: I will be away for two weeks starting Saturday. My newsletter will still come out six days a week—the magic of the Internet)
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)