This is an article you have to read. As I read it, I realized that in simple language Dr. Colman expressed the fears and concerns we have for our nation, our future and our children. Most of these problems were successfully addressed by President Trump. Then the incoherent Biden rolled them back. Currently the Biden policies will bankrupt the nation, kill a prosperous economy. And under his direction we will have a “Democracy” similar to the ones in China, Cuba and Russia.
That is what November 8 is about—do not be forgotten—vote.
By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/28/22
Who is the Forgotten Man –- or the Forgotten Woman?
In America, the Forgotten Man is the fellow who pay his taxes on time, goes to church regularly, never bothers anybody, gets to work on time, saves his money, and pays his bills promptly.
There are millions of Forgotten Men. And, until recently, they stayed silent.
No more. The Forgotten Man is angry and he’s speaking up.
The Forgotten Man is deeply troubled by changes around him. He sees many other people as weird.
He doesn’t like same-sex marriage, inflation, abortion, strange hair styles (like pink and blue hair), and trans-gender bathrooms.
He sees people driving recklessly. He also sees able-bodied people choosing welfare over work. He believes the schools are not educating his children properly.
At work, he wonders why, after many years of hard work and punctuality, the promotion and raise he thought would receive went to someone with poorer work habits, bad skills, and bad attendance.
The Forgotten Man wonders why, in America, the English language seems to be disappearing. He is upset about new rules for English grammar. He hears about plans to change the names of public schools and sports teams.
He feels that he is a foreigner in his own country.
He ignores the main-stream media, and reads publications like “Imprimis” from Hillsdale College in Michigan.
He doesn’t like plans calling for diversity, inclusion, and equity.
Finally, he has had enough. He wants his self-respect back.
To borrow a line from the movie “Network,” he is mad as hell, and he is not going to take it anymore.
So what does the Forgotten Man do?
He starts to watch different news channels like Fox News. He likes to hear pleas to “Make America Great Again.” He votes for candidates named Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Ron DeSantis.
The Forgotten Man is a new force in American politics. He opposes the Welfare State and Big Government in general.
He opposes the so-called progressive element in politics –- an element that wants a wealth tax, mandatory child care, and mandatory pre-school.
He sees salvation in the politics of Trump. He thinks that the Democratic Party no longer represents the politics of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy.
Some Americans see the Forgotten Man as a bigot and a reactionary.
But those Americans who ignore the Forgotten Man may find that more and more elections will be won by candidates who speak to the Forgotten Man’s frustrations.
In Europe, right-wing candidates in such countries like Hungary, Poland, and Italy are winning elections. These candidates have authoritarian tendencies. They want limits on free speech, a free press, and free assembly.
America must protect constitutional freedoms. But people like the Forgotten Man are more concerned about order than the liberties enumerated in the Constitution’s First Amendment.
Change — big change — may be coming to America.