‘Men Can Have Pregnancies, Especially Trans Men,’ Abortion and Transgender Care Doctor Testifies 

This doctor failed his biology class and his OB/GYN class.  Yes, anyone can call themselves a “transman”.  They can also call themselves bisexual, non sexual, binary, non binary.  In fact, anyone can call themselves anything they want—and I respect that.

Still, it does not change science.  Isn’t that what Fascist Fauci said, follow the science.  I find nowhere does it say there are more than two genders, male and females, determined by DNA.  To claim otherwise is to be anti-science.  To claim that a man can be pregnant, proves you need your license taken away from you.  A “trans man”, is still a biological woman—and a woman can be pregnant.  But NO biological male can be pregnant.  Isn’t it time to clean the slate of doctors who can not tell a man from a woman?  It is OK for a Supreme Court Justice to be totally ignorant—but you expect a doctor to know the difference.

Rep. Clyde: “Dr. Kumar, can biological men become pregnant and give birth?”

Dr. Kumar: “Um, so, men can have pregnancies, especially trans men.”

“So, are you saying that a biological female who identifies as a man and, therefore, becomes pregnant, is, quote, a man? Is that what you’re saying?” Rep. Clyde followed up.

“Somebody with a uterus may have the capability of becoming pregnant, whether they’re a woman or man,” Dr. Kumar replied, after first trying to change the subject.”

Looks like this “doctor” does not know that a man does not have a uterus—obviously his license needs to be taken from him before he kills more babies and hurts more patients.

‘Men Can Have Pregnancies, Especially Trans Men,’ Abortion and Transgender Care Doctor Testifies 

By Craig Bannister, CNS.NEWS,   9/30/22  

“Men can have pregnancies,” a medical director for primary and trans care for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, who claims to have performed “thousands” of abortions, testified at a House hearing on Thursday.

Appearing at a hearing titled, “Examining the Harm to Patients from Abortion Restrictions and the Threat of a National Abortion Ban,” Dr. Bhavik Kumar was asked by Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Georgia) if biological men can become pregnant. Dr. Kumar answered that “men” can become pregnant, “especially, trans men,” implying that even some who aren’t transgender could become pregnant.

Rep. Clyde: “Dr. Kumar, can biological men become pregnant and give birth?”

Dr. Kumar: “Um, so, men can have pregnancies, especially trans men.”

“So, are you saying that a biological female who identifies as a man and, therefore, becomes pregnant, is, quote, a man? Is that what you’re saying?” Rep. Clyde followed up.

“Somebody with a uterus may have the capability of becoming pregnant, whether they’re a woman or man,” Dr. Kumar replied, after first trying to change the subject.

“Okay, we’re done. We’re done,” Rep. Clyde said, before giving the doctor a lesson in basic biology:

“This isn’t complicated. Let me tell you: if a person has a uterus and is born female, they are a woman. That is not a man. And, the vast majority of the world considers that to be a woman, because there are biological differences between men and women.

“Clearly, any high school biology class teaches that men and women have different chromosomes. Females are XX chromosomes and males are XY chromosomes.”

“I can’t believe it’s necessary to say this: but, men cannot get pregnant and cannot give birth, regardless of how they identify themselves,” Rep. Clyde added, before posing a rhetorical question:

“Why in the world would Democrats have brought in a person whose title is director of trans care for an abortion hearing, when only biological women can become pregnant?”

“How many abortions have you performed in your lifetime?,“ Rep. Clyde asked, later in the exchange.

“Likely thousands,“ Dr, Kumar answered.