Gas Price Soars 16 Cents Overnight in L.A.; 70 Cents in One Week

In a few days, some lucky Californians, people who the Democrats want to buy their votes, could get checks up to $1040.  Of course after a months worth of gas fill ups and buying of food, that money will be gone.  Why? Thanks to the anti-resident policy of no drilling and no energy, cause gas and food prices to skyrocket.

“In Simi Valley htree weeks ago the cost of gas, already was at a high of $5.39.  Yesterday in most places in Simi the cost was $6.79—we expect it to go over $700 by the end of the weekend.

Newsom is bankrupting a whole State in his quest to be the perfect candidate for Warren, Sanders and AOL.  Between his energy policies, his failed government schools, support for criminals and illegal aliens, California has become a Third World Socialist State.

Gas Price Soars 16 Cents Overnight in L.A.; 70 Cents in One Week

JOEL B. POLLAK, Breitbart,  9/29/22 

The price of a gallon of gasoline soared overnight in Los Angeles County, rising 16 cents from Wednesday into Thursday, exceeding $6 per gallon throughout the region and continuing a trend that has seen gasoline prices rise 70 cents in one week in the county.

Local ABC affiliate KABC-7 reported:

The average price of a gallon of self-serve gasoline in Los Angeles County jumped another 16 cents overnight to $6.26, and every county in Southern California is also paying more than $6 a gallon.

The average price has increased nearly 70 cents in one week. L.A. County’s 16-cent overnight increase for a gallon of regular gas is the biggest one-day spike in more than seven years.

In Orange County, the average is $6.25, while drivers in Riverside County are paying $6.10 a gallon.

As Breitbart News noted earlier this week, California drivers are paying about $2 per gallon more than the national average. The gas price is typically higher in California due to taxes and regulations, but the state has seen prices rise in recent weeks, despite a national price decline.

One explanation for the recent rise is that some local refineries are undergoing maintenance that was deferred from the spring, when gas prices were near record highs. Ironically, that has sent prices rising again. Other refineries are having unanticipated problems.

KABC suggests that prices may drop near winter, when gas stations are allowed sell a “winter blend” that costs less to produce.