Newsom Whines Like Six Year Old:  The Press Does Not Support the Democrats ENOUGH

The media refuses to discuss the Biden Crime Family.  They refuse to discuss the Biden family being owned by the Communist Chinese Party.  They refuse to show that his every effort has been to make China stronger, militarily and economically, while demeaning and killing off the U.S. economy.  But the Hollywood Slicky known as Guv Nuisance, is whining the media does not support the Democrats enough.

In a free society the media does not support the Democrats or the Republicans, just the facts and the truth.

Just another lie by Newsom and the Democrats—the media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat National Committee. 

WATCH: Newsom complains in interview that media do not support Democrats enough

by Ryan King, Washington Examiner,   9/28/22  

Newsom said he doesn’t think the media are supportive enough of Democrats and that Republicans enjoy great support.

Newsom made the comment in an interview on left-leaning network MSNBC this week during a broader discussion on the migrant busing controversies that have erupted around the country in recent months.

“The propaganda networks and the anger machine, which, of course, the Right dominates. And we have nothing, respectfully, nothing comparable,” Newsom said. “These guys are ruthless on the other side. Ruthless on the other side. That prime-time lineup by Fox, they are ruthless.”

“They dominate the most important thing in American politics today, and that’s the narrative. Facts become secondary to narrative. They dominate with illusion. We are getting crushed.”

Newsom has ramped up his attacks on Republicans nationally in recent months, as rumors he is plotting a presidential bid in 2024 continue to swirl. He has directly attacked Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a possible 2024 rival, and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

During the interview with MSNBC, Newsom also slammed Republicans such as Abbott and DeSantis for sending immigrants to Democratic-run cities. The GOP governors have defended the move as necessary to highlight the woes afflicting communities near the southern border and to alleviate a massive influx of immigrants.

“This desperate demonization has political benefits. It worked. It works situationally. And that’s what is so sad. But now, it’s weaponized at a whole another level with this feedback loop of social media,” Newsom added.

Despite the 2024 talk, Newsom attempted to shut down the rumors in recent days. “Not happening, no, no, not at all,” he declared over the weekend, referring to a run for the presidency.