Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 10/6/22  .


You can’t make this up.

In Contra Costa County the chair of the GOP Committee Matt Shupe refuses to allow them to endorse GOP nominees for office if they are not his variety of conservative.  Yet at the same time he got the Committee to endorse a candidate for office that was not a registered Republican.  He also did not mention that he took over $10,000 from the candidate as a consultant and seller of campaign material.  This is not a reflection on that candidate.  She was as abused by Shupe as the Republican Party in Contra Costa.

In fact, Debora Allen is a current elected Board member of BART—and a strong advocate for the taxpayers.  She has stood up to the unions and to the staff, demanding quality service and an explanation for invoices and policies.  She is a candidate for Board of Supervisors.

Though she is not a Republican, she is running against a radical Leftist.  If I lived in her Distract, I would vote for her.  I would vote for Debora Allen for Board of Supervisors in Contra Costa County.

Now is the time for the Contra Costa GOP committee members to ask questions of Chair Matt Shupe—specifically why does he not allow conservative GOP nominees to be endorsed, though taking money from other candidates that do get endorsed?  He needs to decide if he is a Chairman or a consultant—it is obvious he cannot be both.

To my friends in Contra Costa, I hope you do all you can to elect Debora Allen as Supervisor—you deserve someone to stand up for you and the community.


  1.  Los Angeles County is another County controlled by CRP Chair Patterson and just as abusive as Contra County.

Two weeks before the last LAGOP meeting the Chairman, at the time, Richard Sherman, told some Committee members that the Treasurer Julie Haff had moved—from the Long Beach area to the Burbank Glendale area.  Yet Sherman still had her listed as Treasurer, and she gave the Treasurers report at the last meeting.  This though the bylaws are clear, since she moved to the 43rd AD, she was no longer a member of the Committee.

Plus under the crazy rules enforced by Andy G., since she was not a Committee member, she should not be allowed  in the meeting.  Ex officio;s that do not live in the County are not allowed to vote in these meetings or attend.

We also found out there was an attempt to put her on the 43rd AD Committee.  She has since withdrawn her request.  The LAGOP according to Andy G. at the recent endorsement meeting admitted  they have no volunteers and no money.  They do not get people to run for office nor do they register voters.  It is a dead committee—but like the other dead committees around the State, LAGOP  provides Jessica Patterson with delegates to continue her in a quarter of a million dollar a year job.

Sadly, the new chairman Tim O’Reilly, an attorney, KNEW about these bylaw violations by Sherman and Haff, yet said and did nothing.  In fact, since she was not a member of the LAGOP, if she signed any checks, it would be illegal.  Now O’Reilly will have to work that out with the Committee and authorities. 

Of course since the leaders of the organization knew of the violations, the insurers will not cover any settlements or fines—those will be paid personally by the Committee members—who can they sue those that knew about the violations and let them happen.  What a mess.

With the attempt to delete legal members of the Committee in violation of the Election Code and now the financial issues of a Treasurer possibly signing checks, though not the legal treasurer—upon her move she automatically resigned.  She told people on July 6 in Norwalk, at the turn in of the Recall Gascon petitions that she was in the process of moving.  Now the question is—when did she move and how many checks did she sign after she moved?

  • Even the L.A. Times is forced to expose a corrupt Democrat—sadly, her GOP opponent has raised little money though absolutely qualified for the office of Treasurer.

Candidate’s financial history under scrutiny in California controller’s race — Malia Cohen is vying to become the chief fiscal officer for the most populous state in the nation, overseeing more than $100 billion in receipts and disbursements of public funds every year. Taryn Luna in the Los Angeles Times$ — 10/5/22

  •  Unions want to control and take over everything.  In San Fran they want to run the most important community based non profit.  When they take control watch as the organization fades away.
  • \ Glide employees want to form a union. It’s not the only S.F. nonprofit with labor challenges — Employees at the Glide Foundation, one of the most visible San Francisco organizations that help homeless and low-income people, are trying to form a union in the latest example of labor tensions taking hold at a leading nonprofit in the city this year. J.D. Morris in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 10/5/22
  • Government is forcing grocery stores to get rid of the plastic bags in the fruit and vegetable section of the grocery store.  What a mess that will be.  Literally government has taken over almost every aspect of our lives.

This common item is on the way out at California grocery stores — For most grocery shoppers, they are as familiar as carts with wobbly wheels, aisles of cereal boxes and checkout stands full of juicy celebrity tabloids. But in California their days are numbered. Paul Rogers in the San Jose Mercury$ — 10/5/22

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to

keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my

mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the

“Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)