As my good friend Jon Fleischman likes to say, “You can’t make this up.” Who would expect a Vice President that cackles when asked a serious question? Can you believe it when the President of the United States openly smells the hair of young girls and does not deny he took showers with his daughter? Or that he can not find his way off a stage or shakes hands with the invisible man on stage?
Or when Newsom denounces Florida for being poorly run—though the costs of gas in that State is $3.00 LESS than it is in California.
Did you ever expect to watch a sports event and it turns into support for bigotry, hate and support for the Communist Chinese Party? That major players like LaBron James would defend slavery and torture by the Chinese, while making tens of millions of dollars from being a spokesperson for companies that support this terror.
The civil world has been turned upside down—believe it or not.
Believe it or not? By Richard Eber
Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/11/22
When I was a little kid there was a comic strip in the newspaper called Ripley’s Believe It or Not. Each Sunday morning I would marvel about tails about freaks of nature that were actually true.
Today Ripley’s is making a comeback in politics. The makers of this new board game asked me to test their product to determine if their stories have any credibility for consumers. Below are their different scenarios along with my response pertaining to their viability?
Believe it or not Kamala Harris still does not comprehend there is an immigration problem and that Fentanyl is being imported on the same routes as illegal aliens. Tragically true. Harris is totally out of touch with the American people. The closest she has come to visiting the border is entering the drive thru line at Taco Bell. Even more amazing if President Biden resigns, Harris would serve the rest of his term.
According to Chuck Schumer, there is no relationship with shutting down the XL Pipeline, eliminating new oil leases by the Federal Government, increased regulation on fracking, along with prohibiting the construction of new refineries; with high gas prices and inflation. Sorry Chuck, no one with an IQ above tap water might agree with this tale of delusion and fantasy. If one thinks Schumer is telling the truth, I have some swamp land to sell you in Ft Meyers.
Believe it or not no one in Florida could ever believe Progressive Gavin Newsom being elected to anything there. How popular might the possible Democratic Presidential candidate be ordering FEMA to use electric powered vehicles to rescue flood victims after a hurricane? One could see the chaos if the storm knocked out all charging stations? The Answer is Zero! Even Al Gore realizes the need for combustion engines, especially when his private plane is in use. Virtually everyone departing the city limits of Sacramento recognizes Newsom’s folly.
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claims the USA currently has a good relationship with Saudi Arabia. They did not take offense President Biden calling the Crown Prince a pariah in the murderer of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. She also thinks leaders of the dessert kingdom praised the President trying put back together an arms agreement with their bitter enemy Iran. (That Trump walked away from.) Unfortunately Biden is clueless about the Saudis role in OPEC cutting oil production 2 million barrels a day. Believe it or not the American President does not understand why the Saudis are so pissed off with their former ally. Look for Biden to send over climate change advocate John Kerry to fix any misunderstandings.
Amazingly, the New York Times thinks that voters are more interested in the January 6th hearings than inflation, the high price of housing, rising crime, and illegal aliens crossing the border. As such the paper believes these Anti-Trump sentiments along with pro choice beliefs will keep Democrats in power after November 8th? Even if one believes in the tooth fairy and Santa dropping down chimneys without his orthopedic consultant in tow, imagining Progressives retain their majority in Congress exceeds even Mr. Ripley’s expectations.
Believe or Not 2 out of 3 female junkies prefer not to have a date with Hunter Biden, even if he has the best product given him by associates in China who supply the Mexican Drug Cartel. Sadly true. Apparently these women think Hunter is less trustworthy than their former pimps
Representative Eric Swalwell insisted on having break-up sex with his Chinese Spy girlfriend after being warned by the FBI about treachery of her working for the Chinese Government. Even more bizarre is that the Congressman is still a member of the House Intelligence Committee while supporting his pal Adam Schiff’s latest Russian conspiracy theories. Yes, Shadwell’s behavior is plausible if not normal in the current Washington D.C. political environment. Not even a chorus of whistle blowers could mask the stench which overwhelms the Capital.
Believe it or not Chevron Sells Global HQs, Downsizes California Office Space amid Texas Expansion: Report—How could this venerable firm abandon California given their firm roots in the State since 1879? Answer: Such a fact is more than believable. Even staunch liberals know why businesses and the middle class are fleeing the Golden State in record numbers Why not the company that brought us the Techron additive?
Believe it or not Progressives believe women can terminate a pregnancy when the child is up to 3 years old. At that time kids can legally be given a permanent time-out. Because of the extreme views of the far left, this law would seem to be feasible plan once Democrats can gain a two thirds majority in both houses of Congress.
Joe Biden thought Congresswomen Jackie Walorski, who tragically died in a traffic accident on August 3rd, was present for a bill signing Sept 28th. Neither CNN nor MSNBC mentioned the President’s gaff on air. At the same time ex President Trump hitting a drive into the rough was used in social media to indicate he was too senile to be President. Believe it or not, this tale of double standards of the media is true every day.
Believe it or not Gavin Newsom thinks his strategy of blowing up old power plants, tearing down dams, opposing nuclear power, and banning sale of vehicles with the intent of stopping sales combustion engines by 2035 is a blueprint for prosperity. Scrap that question. It is more believable to think a two headed giraffe can fly and a pet rattlesnake recite the Pledge of Allegiance backwards than Newsom’s plans coming true.
Believe it or not Karen Bass might lose the election to become the next Mayor of Los Angeles. While this possibility might have been remote a few months ago, she is currently struggling in the polls to win the post.
It is more likely millions of diseased folks currently on voter rolls, especially in California, will cast their ballots than those citizens who are denied by voter suppression to participate on November 8th and beyond. Believe it or not, this point of information is almost never mentioned by the news media on the Left or Right.
Lastly, we have to ask if these tales of political stupidity are real or made up? Actually, the answer is somewhere in between; though it is almost impossible to tell, as Mr. Ripley would have concluded, were he alive today.