Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 2/6/23 

California Federation of Republican Women Torn Apart by Rogue Nine


In a recent email, the rogue Nine warned that unless you pay your “per capita” your CFRW club will be decharted—and the money you earned and raised will go to them—and to the attorneys who are working to keep the Rogue Nine in power..  From their email blast to CFRW clubs on record:

“Non-payment of dues for the total membership.

In accordance with CFRW Bylaws Article IV. Membership, the CFRW Executive Committee may recommend that a club’s charter be revoked for failure to pay dues. When a club’s charter is revoked all of its assets shall be distributed to the superior body, CFRW. None of the assets shall be distributed to any individual officer or member of the club. The right to use of the name of the club shall revert to its superior body, CFRW.”

 How will this money be used?  To pay attorneys.  Maybe that is why clubs are not paying—they want their money used to defeat Democrats and to build the Republican Party—not to destroy what is left of the CFRW.

Oh, they are also holding a meeting on February 11.  When you read the notice, it takes several clicks to find out that it is by ZOOM—but they are NOT inviting all of the CRP candidates.  Plus, the notice does not say this is an endorsing meeting—but even then, they get it wrong.  By not inviting all the candidates they can claim there is only one candidate for the office, so they can get the endorsement.  Two years ago the Rogue Nine wanted a CFRW endorsement for Jessica Patterson—instead it went to me, Steve Frank.  This time they are taking no chances—they are ignoring Mike Cargile, candidate for CRP Chair—so they can claim Jessica is the only candidate.  No, this is NOT the California Federation of Democrat Women—it purports to be the CFRW.  Any wonder clubs are not paying per capita.

Also note they will take away our money.  As I have watched this, clubs leaving or being forced out of the CFRW are donating their money to other political clubs—so their money is not used for attorneys.  Doubt if the clubs leaving will have a dime left for the CFRW to take.

Worse, the National Federation of Republican Women apparently do not trust checks sent to them by a California club.  They are now insisting on CERTIFIED CHECKS.  Guess they do not want the checks cancelled as more clubs and members realize the CFRW has a legitimately elected President and a Group that claims it is President.  The new group has a new website.  Go to the “new” website” https://californiarepublicanwomenfederated.com/leadership-1  Click on leadership. 

No it does not list the Board or officers.  It does not talk about building the Republican Party in California or defeating Democrats.  Instead it talks about how they are the “real” Women’s Fed.—and they do not note the use of per capita to hire attorneys to fight Republicans—instead of fighting Democrats.  In the end, they will have ended the great tradition, and history of the CFRW.  In its place, clubs will go to other organizations, go independent and cause thousands to leave politics. We are already seeing that.

  1. Several months ago, the County Chairman’s Association removed Dwight Williams as its Interim Chairman.  One of the reasons was his lack of actions or activities while in office.  Similar to how he runs the San Joaquin Central Committee—few meetings with any programs or actions.  Yet the California Republican Party, leadership built on proxies, not people, refuses to recognize the vote of the Chairs, still recognize Williams as Interim Chair.

Just to make sure he doesn’t do anything, he CANCELLED the remaining County Chairs meetings—at a time when they need to be unified in building. Toward the March, 2024 Primary.

He has decided that he no longer wants to do nothing as Chair—so he is running for First Vice Chair, and do nothing from that post.  But, he is supporting someone for Chair who has done LESS then he has—San Francisco Chair, John Dennis—arguably the least effective Chair in the State.  You have to go back at least 30 years to find an elected Republican from San Fran—and the number of Republicans on Commissions?  You need a microscope to find.  Voter Registration?  As of the November, 2022 Secretary of State report—6.74%–yet the committee has NO voter registration program, no get out the vote program (they may have “written” programs”, but they have never been implemented).  Dennis himself runs for Congress, a lot—just because there is no one else willing to do so in this non-existent GOP County.

2.  The Los Angeles Times has decided being against Jews and Israel is a qualifier to be on a House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.  That could explain why they have no problem with the Biden Crime Family and its relationship to China—anti-Americanism is a good thing to the Times.

Abcarian: What got Rep. Ilhan Omar kicked off that House committee? Payback and prejudice, not antisemitism — The idea that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who has essentially given aid and comfort to those who supported an insurrection against the United States government, would accuse anyone of being un-American is as rich as it is Orwellian. Robin Abcarian in the Los Angeles Times$ — 2/5/23

3.  We have a drought—but the lack of water is due to government, not the climate.  This is another story about how the whack jobs make water a scarce commodity.

San Francisco’s Hetch Hetchy water system is almost full for the first time in years. Is that a good thing? — San Francisco’s brimming reservoirs are a boon for the city and its suburbs after three years of drought. But they’re a concern for environmentalists who want to see more water left in rivers for fish. Kurtis Alexander in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 2/5/23

4.  What are they smoking at the L.A. Times—they approve of hating Jews and Israel.  Now they believe that jobs are degrading our environment.  The only jobs that do that are at the Times itself.  We need jobs.  Period.  The Times wants to ship jobs to Nevada and Arizona.  Without real people there are not enough drug using, elitists to buy the Times—or buy products advertised in the Times.  Here is another story—NOT SATIRE.

Warehouse boom transformed Inland Empire. Are jobs worth the environmental degradation? — As toxic emissions from diesel traffic choke the air, activists are calling for a moratorium on new warehouses and for the governor to declare a state of emergency. Rachel Uranga in the Los Angeles Times$ — 2/5/23

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)