California Secretary of State: We Can ‘Lead the Nation’ on Reparations

California leads the nation in people moving out of a State.  We lead the nation in percentage of people in poverty and raw number of people in poverty, over 12 million (more than the population of most States).  California also is proud to have the worst roads in the nation, failed schools, unreliable electricity and water.  Yet, some want to give away tens of billions of dollars in reparations due to slavery, though California came into the nation as a FREE STATE, NO SLAVERY.

This is just an excuse to steal from the middle class and investors and give to those who the Democrats think can be bought off with a government check for a minimum of $223,00—up to $5 million.

If we lead the nation in reparations, as the Democrats want, we will also be the first State to go totally bankrupt in a matter of months.  Why?  Because those expected to add tens of thousands to their tax bill will flee the State to protect the assets they have left.  And, the value of homes and commercial property will plummet.

California Secretary of State: We Can ‘Lead the Nation’ on Reparations

Joel Pollak, Breitbart, 2/8/23  

California Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N. Weber said that the Golden State can “lead the nation” by passing reparations for the descendants of black slaves.

California entered the Union as a free state on Sep. 9, 1850.

The state has been considering reparations under a law proposed by Weber, then in the State Assembly, and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) in 2020, during the height of the frenzy around the Black Lives Matter movement. A committee was formed to consider proposals for reparations and to make recommendations to the legislature. As Breitbart News has reported, reparations could amount to $230,000 per recipient, though some claim even that will not be enough. The committee is due to report its final recommendations to the state legislature later this year for consideration. California currently faces a budget deficit of roughly $22.5 billion.

Weber, the first black Secretary of State, was speaking to an audience at Sacramento State university. She said (via Sacramento Bee):

The process of creating this whole task force … was to create some sense of equity and fairness in the conversation, to create an opportunity for this state to basically lead the nation in what needs to happen with reparations.

It’s not about taking opportunities from other people, it’s about expanding the opportunities.

Hopefully, the reparations would deal with changing our system so that our system becomes fair and have some sense of equity. … And then you have an investment that is long term and not just a splash in the pan because it seems to be convenient for us to do so.

Weber dismissed concerns that California had not been a slave state and had not had Jim Crow laws, as the South did. She said that there were many racists who had played a role in state government, including the first governor, and claimed slavery had been “allowed to exist” when laborers where brought in for the gold rush.

She noted that the committee had limited eligibility to those who were descendants of American slaves, and added that there were other legacies of racial discrimination that played a role in present-day inequality.

She suggested that  might not suffice. “I’m not sure if $20,000 [sic] can handle 400 years of oppression.” She went on to argue that even $230,000 might not be enough to account for the hardships of discrimination — even if black Americans came to California to escape segregation in other parts of the United States.

Through paying reparations, she implied, California could encourage the country as a whole to do the same.

Separately, the city of San Francisco is considering its own reparations for black residents of up to $5 million.

The committee is due to report its final recommendations to the state legislature later this year for consideration. California currently faces a budget deficit of roughly $22.5 billion.

5 thoughts on “California Secretary of State: We Can ‘Lead the Nation’ on Reparations

  1. California will extend its lead in the EXIT moivement! Only those believing that they will receive reparations will be occupying California.

    Hop on board the EXIT CALIFORNIA train (no, not the Bullet Train) then they can search for someone to pay.

  2. Let’s give the Blacks a “real quick” history lesson…First there were just as many Black slave owners that the blacks don’t want you to know about.. Second the African kings would sell their own people and leave them in cages to be picked up on the beaches…Blacks also were slave owners, Louisiana alone had over 900 black slave owners….Blacks don’t want you to know about the Black slave owners…Also lets just put this out there…”White men died during Civil War first to “Protect States Rights” and to FREE THE NEGRO. White men DIED to make you free!!! My family alone had three that died in Kentucky fighting to free the black man and NOW YOU WANT ME TO PAY FOR REPARATIONS???? How about this…kiss my white ass

    1. Let’s not forget the WHITE American and British sailors who lost their lives trying to stop the slave ships coming from the African continent! Where are their reparations???????

      Reparations, they have had it for years! It’s called welfare and all the other government programs they have taken advantage of for years…….

  3. Stupid is as stupid does.

    Why not take the money from businesses?

    After all the Communists state the risk of capital is in fact not a risk.

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