Religion in 2023: God is neutered into a harem of eunuchs, and the FBI has infiltrated

The FBI went after Donald Trump.  They went after folks that protested corruption in elections.  They protected the Biden Crime Family.  The FBI in conjunction with tech companies, ended free speech in America.  Now they are going after the Catholic church.  The crime?  The Church supports traditional marriage and protecting of babies, born and unborn.

“(Query: What about the black supremacists that openly advocate not just exerting supremacy over whites, but exterminating them, and do so not in secret but in the public forums offered them at leading universities?)

The FBI memo concluded that these white supremacist insurrections planned at Latin Mass around the country present an excellent opportunity. They could infiltrate the churches with undercover agents, much like they used to infiltrate drug cartels in the old days, root out the white supremacists hiding there, and arrest them.

Many mainstream religions no longer promote biblical values—instead they have become political, radical operations.  No wonder they are losing members.  Now the FBI is going after the Catholic church.  Note that Biden, Pelosi and Newsom, self proclaimed “Catholics” are silent on the FBI declaring their Church as terrorists?

Religion in 2023: God is neutered into a harem of eunuchs, and the FBI has infiltrated Latin Mass to find white supremacists

Aspen Beat, 2/9/23 

Bishops in the Church of England are agitating to make “God” a genderless word. No longer would God be a “he” or even a “she.” God is slated for genderless affirming surgery. God will be the Church of England’s eunuch.

This presumably means that God will be referenced as “they.” But “they” is a plural pronoun. Ergo, the Church of England now apparently considers God to be plural – there is more than one.

The choice of pronouns farce has thus gone to heaven. Not to die, as it should have the good grace to do, but to take over the place.

This undoubtedly makes some Bishops feel good about themselves – inclusion and diversity and all that – but it does violence to scripture where God is referenced with the pronouns “he” and “him.” Nowhere in scripture is God referenced as a “they” and nowhere in scripture is it suggested that God is plural. In point of fact, scripture repeatedly emphasizes that there is only one God.

I can remember when this monotheism was considered an advance over preceding pagan polytheistic religions where they had cartoonish gods for music, wine, war, and whatever.

The Church of England wishes to take us back to that, except now each god will be a eunuch. The Church of England has made the creator of Heaven and earth into its personal harem of eunuchs.

Neutering God would also apparently ban the Lord’s Prayer, since “lord” is a masculine title. The corresponding feminine title is “lady.” But we couldn’t call it the “Lady’s Prayer” because that’s not genderless either.

We’ll be stuck with “The They Prayer.” And forget about the first line beginning with “Our Father….” That’s hate speech.

What about the sacred Trinity – the “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”? Will that reference be “corrected” into something like “They, Them and It”? Do They, Them and It have any say on their impending castration?

And they wonder why church attendance has gone to hell.

I’m reminded of the Left’s boondoggle with “Latinx.” The Left decided that referring to people who are Latin American by birth or ancestry as “Latino” and “Latina” for men and women, respectively, was non-inclusive.  

“Non-inclusive” is sinful in the new order. It’s something like discriminating against people on the basis of their merit, and thereby being non-inclusive of the meritless ones. It’s at least half way to bigoted.

We’re being taught by the party that “follows the science” that the phrase “male or female” is a cramped view of sex that unduly relies upon old and discredited notions of genetics and biology. Now, a few million years into our existence as a species, we’ve discovered that there are as many sexes as there are people.  About eight billion.

The invented word “Latinx” accommodates every single one. It’s infinitely inclusive – because it excludes no one. By excluding no one, it of course has no meaning. But to the Left, that’s not a flaw; it’s a feature. If I choose, I’m Latinx. Never mind that my Spanish is muy malo.

And never mind that Latinos and Latinas have completely rejected this assault on their language and culture by ignorant, arrogant, virtue-signaling, white liberal authoritarians.

Meanwhile, a whistle-blowing former FBI agent reports that the FBI circulated an internal memo a few years ago, stating that Catholics who prefer that their Mass be presented in Latin, as it universally was for centuries prior to the Second Vatican Council in the ‘60s, are “radical traditionalists.” As such, the FBI concluded, they’re likely white supremacists. What better way to conceal their insurrection than to hold their traitorous meetings in Latin?

This coincides with a move by Commie Pope Francis to ban Latin Mass altogether. Everybody knows that Latin Mass is where the neo-Nazis do their thing.

(Query: What about the black supremacists that openly advocate not just exerting supremacy over whites, but exterminating them, and do so not in secret but in the public forums offered them at leading universities?)

The FBI memo concluded that these white supremacist insurrections planned at Latin Mass around the country present an excellent opportunity. They could infiltrate the churches with undercover agents, much like they used to infiltrate drug cartels in the old days, root out the white supremacists hiding there, and arrest them.

Being a white supremacist is no longer merely terrible, as it should be, but also apparently makes a person a criminal terrorist, at least according to the unelected Constitution-amending quasi-judicial pseudo-legislators at the FBI who’ve judged and legislated that the First Amendment is overruled by their personal views of what’s right and wrong.

After the white supremacists are found guilty in a show trial, maybe they get burned alive in the public square. Because diversity.

Hasta la vista, fellow Latinx. Spes mea in Deo est.