How to Stop Schools From Parenting Your Children

In California a teacher can take a 13 year old girl to Planned Parenthood, help get an abortion, and NEVER tell the parents.  Go to a government school and you hear hatred of church and values.  “In Loco Parentis” is the term used by educrats to be the parents of your children—teach them non-values, bigotry

“Unfortunately, it seems this ancient right is lost on our modern-day school systems, which work overtime to teach our children a radical moral code of sexual identity—one that violates the beliefs of countless families.

We don’t send our children to public school so they can be forced to consider the morality of sexual lifestyle choices.

We don’t expect our first graders to be prompted to speculate about whether their biological sex is a question that has multiple answers.

We don’t expect teachers to lecture our children about the moral consequences of voting for one candidate over another or to tell our children (illegally) that they can’t pray at lunchtime.

And we certainly don’t send our children to school to be offered free irreversible medical treatments like abortions or encouraged to consider cross-sex hormones without our knowledge or consent.”

It is time for educators to educate and stop trying to take our children away from us.

How to Stop Schools From Parenting Your Children

Stephanie Curry , Daily Signal,  12/18/20  

Stephanie Curry is the policy manager for Family Policy Alliance.

I’m tired of schools trying to play the role of surrogate parents.

Like too many parents across our nation, I’ve become increasingly concerned about the radical social and political ideas that are being forced upon our children in public schools.

While I’m raising my children with biblically-based morals and values at home, schools are undermining and refuting those same lessons in the classroom. They’re striving to replace my role as parent, and that isn’t right.

Parents don’t just have a vague and general prerogative to parent their children. Parenting is a fundamental right. It is a foundational cornerstone of a civilized society and a right that is clearly defined and recognized by our constitutional law.

This fundamental right to parent includes the right for us to decide what kind of educational, moral, and religious upbringing our children will have, without unreasonable government interference.

Unfortunately, it seems this ancient right is lost on our modern-day school systems, which work overtime to teach our children a radical moral code of sexual identity—one that violates the beliefs of countless families.

We don’t send our children to public school so they can be forced to consider the morality of sexual lifestyle choices.

We don’t expect our first graders to be prompted to speculate about whether their biological sex is a question that has multiple answers.

We don’t expect teachers to lecture our children about the moral consequences of voting for one candidate over another or to tell our children (illegally) that they can’t pray at lunchtime.

And we certainly don’t send our children to school to be offered free irreversible medical treatments like abortions or encouraged to consider cross-sex hormones without our knowledge or consent.

Once the rare anecdote, these unexpected scenarios are now overflowing across the nation. There is an alarming trend that concerned parents need to know about. What exactly is happening in our schools, and what can parents do to protect their children?

At Family Policy Alliance, we have released a new book, “Back to School—for Parents,” which takes parents on a journey through each part of the school system where student and parental rights violations are trending.

The guide explains the legal rights you and your child have in the classroom, school bathrooms, sports teams, the nurse’s office, and more.

For example, in the classroom, you have the federal right to view your child’s lesson plans, observe class, and review curriculum. You also have the constitutional right to opt your child out of classroom content that violates your religious and moral beliefs.

In the nurse’s office, you have the right to limit the type of medical treatment your child receives in school, such as declining all “abortion-related” materials.

You have the right to testify at local school board meetings regarding concerns you have.

“Back to School—for Parents” gives you specific suggestions you can carry out today to maintain your rights to parent and define morality for your child even when you send them to school.

“Back to School—for Parents” lays out precisely what you need to know to face the unexpected. So, if your child is silenced in class for their faith, or you encounter radical sexual-rights based education, or you discover what can only be described as pornography on your school’s research database, you’ll be empowered to know exactly what to do to ensure yourchild is protected.

In addition, co-publisher Focus on the Family has provided guidance for each topic on how to talk to your child about difficult issues with a compassionate, honest, and forthright perspective. The book walks you through conversations with your child on difficult topics, like sexuality, identity, pornography, and more.

With this guide, you no longer have to wonder how you can possibly protect your child’s moral, ethical, and religious beliefs at school—a place where some of the biggest controversial issues of this generation are argued.

We believe parents—not the government—are best at parenting. “Back to School—for Parents” will help provide much-needed support families are seeking so they can do what they do best—parent their child.

The guide is free for download at Family Policy Alliance’s website. Check it out and share it with friends and family today.