Twitter REFUSES to Ban Alex Baldwin for His Call to HANG President Trump

I have pretty much stopped my use of twitter—they have by their inaction condoned the hanging of President Trump.  Soon I will deactivate.  I will not deal with violent hatemongers.

From Alex Baldwin, “On Friday, at the start of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s memorial weekend, fading actor Alec Baldwin tweeted about his dream.

Thoughts of nooses, scaffolding.  On a weekend of reconciliation. 

President Trump tells his supporters to “be strong”: and they ban him for that.  Baldwin wants to lynch him, and that is OK.  We are living in the Sovietization of America.

Alec Baldwin tweets about noose for Trump over MLK weekend, Twitter shrugs

By Ethel C. Fenig, American Thinker, 1/19/21 

Twitter is apparently very selective about its disapproval of violence, indicating that some violence is better than other violence.  If the right person threatens violence against the right person, it is safe on Twitter’s platform.  

On Friday, at the start of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s memorial weekend, fading actor Alec Baldwin tweeted about his dream.

Thoughts of nooses, scaffolding.  On a weekend of reconciliation. 

The tweeted reaction from Baldwin’s followers was mixed.  Some mocked or criticized him, while others chuckled, offering additional, grimmer enhancements to his dream.

Busy plotting U.S. Constitution First Amendment suppression on a mass scale internationally, Twitter executives apparently were quite pleased that a person of Baldwin’s character implemented their vision so readily.  The 75 million deplorables who voted for President Donald J. Trump have still yet another warning of the nightmare to come.