Eber: Photo Opportunity politics

Gavin Newsom is the photo op Governor.  He goes to the right places, looks like he cares and with his slicked down hair reminds everyone that he is a rich, privileged dilettante.  But Attorney General Becerra is smarter than Gavin.  He uses tax dollars to create photo ops based on killing jobs and the economy, while making it unsafe to be on the streets of California.

“Most of Becerra’s efforts were job killing suits to water down efforts by the Republican President to loosen environmental laws that damaged businesses and farmers trying to operate in California.  In most cases the A.G. attempted to preempt Federal law by the State interceding.

The result of such stupid policies has had Governor Newsom trying to outlaw gas burning engines in the Golden State by 2035 while at the same time making sure by eliminating fossil fuels, the electrical grid for the State will soon collapse.

Other lawsuits filed under Becerra’s regime involved California trying to invoke their own immigration policies conflicting with Federal Laws and joining other Blue States opposing the Trump Administration’s administration trying to modify The Affordable Care Act. “

Yes he wants to keep health care unaffordable.  So Biden is rewarding him to do to the nation what Xavier has done to California.  American is in trouble.

Photo Opportunity politics By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views  1/25/21

As Joe Biden was taking over the keys to the kingdom in becoming the 46th President of the United States, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra was packing his bags for Washington D.C. to take on a Cabinet post to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.

As a parting gift for his constituents, the former 12 term Congressman from Los Angeles per the Democratic blog Politico wrote:

“California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced Tuesday that he is involved in nine new lawsuits against President Donald Trump’s environmental rollbacks on Trump’s last full day in office. … The nine suits filed Tuesday bring Becerra’s total number of Trump administration challenges to 122 — 70 of which are environmental.”

With his record (and I mean a record) of a lawsuit week for his three years in office, this D.C. insider was rewarded for his soap boxesque efforts to discredit the Trump Administration in every way possible.

Most of Becerra’s efforts were job killing suits to water down efforts by the Republican President to loosen environmental laws that damaged businesses and farmers trying to operate in California.  In most cases the A.G. attempted to preempt Federal law by the State interceding.

The result of such stupid policies has had Governor Newsom trying to outlaw gas burning engines in the Golden State by 2035 while at the same time making sure by eliminating fossil fuels, the electrical grid for the State will soon collapse.

Other lawsuits filed under Becerra’s regime involved California trying to invoke their own immigration policies conflicting with Federal Laws and joining other Blue States opposing the Trump Administration’s administration trying to modify  The Affordable Care Act.

Virtually everything he did after being appointed to replace Kamala Harris involved being connected with national politics. Taken as a whole, what did all of his actions have to do with the Attorney General’s primary responsibilities to keep his constituents safe?

Virtually nothing!

 Instead Becerra’s record in the realm of political theater indicated:

  • Failing to address rising crime rates in California, especially in large cities.
  • Allowing criminals from foreign countries residing in the State to avoid prosecution or deportation after committing serious felonies
  • Along with the Secretary of State Alex Padilla, miss wording propositions appearing on the ballot to confuse voters on issues opposed by their Progressive base.
  • Doing nothing during the Covid-19 epidemic to take measures to take pressure off courts in civil and criminal matters
  • Much like Governor Newsom, ignoring the laws on the books pertaining to enforcing the death penalty.

The list goes on of Becerra’s non-achievements.  Being so busy bashing President Trump he failed to carry out the job title of his office.  Instead Becerra preferred to reside in the Court of Public Opinion seeking his 15 minutes of fame at every opportunity.  For such behavior he was rewarded with a cabinet post and an opportunity to one day return to California in a strong position to be elected Governor.

As it turned out the Hispanic politician ended up following in the footsteps of his predecessor Kamala Harris after she was elected to the U.S. Senate.  During her brief tenure in this deliberative body, the current Vice-President spent most of her time grandstanding during Supreme Court confirmation hearings and President’s impeachment trial.

Let not we forget Harris most unforgettable moment grilling then CIA Director Nominee Mike Pompeo about his transgender bathroom polices at the intelligence agency headquarters.

As it turned out not one piece of major legislation had Harris’s name attached to it as she spent most of her time seeking photo opportunity moments to impress leftist Democratic supporters.  Unlike the Senior Senator from California Diane Feinstein, who had a long career crafting laws, Harris’s priorities were elsewhere.

Despite having a dismal record in the Senate avoiding contact with Republicans like the plague, Harris has been rewarded for her efforts now being a breath away from assuming the Presidency.  Ironically, as the tie breaking vote in the Senate, Harris might have to actually meet and be civil in dealing with her GOP colleagues on the other side of the isle.

Unfortunately, the VP has plenty of company raising her profile using attack mode. A classic example of such behavior is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and her radical clique of followers. They have attacked established political leaders in both parties.  Thus far this attack dog strategy has worked as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deals with AOC with kid gloves trying to avoid confrontations with Congresswomen from New York.

Taken as a whole it appears political leaders who scream the loudest, seem to get ahead, at least during the short term in American history. Let’s not forget the likes of Huey Long and Joe McCarthy, who had brief moments of fame, only later to fall from grace. 

While Donald Trump’s personal vitriolic personal behavior might fail in this category, his record of achievement as President contradicts being a demagogue.  However, it is certain many Americans grew weary of his bombastic personality, which lead to his eventual defeat by Joe Biden last November.

The bottom line is that in the political arena William Shakespeare’s verse in the 12th Night “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em.”  Still holds true over 500 years later.  (Cancel-Culture fans please take note)

Far be it from me to question the tactics of Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, AOC, and of course Xavier Becerra in their rise to the top.  They have done well to cast favorable attention upon themselves. Recently, such behavior has been rewarded climbing the political ladder in Washington D.C. politics.

However, as we have found out in the past, governing is a much more difficult task than throwing stones at glass houses.