Tiffani Jones: Grassroots/Community Republican for 30th State Senate District

The 30th State Senate District is holding a special election on March 2, 2021 to replace the former State Senator who is now a L.A. County Supervisor.  There is only one candidate in the race that is an active part of the Republican Party and the community.  The power people, wanting control have selected their candidate—the grassroots have their candidate in Tiffani Jones.  I will admit to trying to call the candidate of the machine—but he refuses to call me back.  I should note that Sacramento has a candidate in this race as well

I have met with Tiffani, seen her in action.  She is articulate, aggressive and carries the banner of Republicanism.  More than that her work in the community shows that Republicans care—and not just when the media shows up or there is a photo opportunity..

The choice is between a machine Republican, a Sacramento created candidate—who REFUSES to be listed as a Republican, instead is listed on the ballot as NPP.  Then you have the Republican candidate, from and about the community and Republican values and principles. 

Tiffani Jones will build the GOP in the 30th.  Isn’t that the type of candidate we need for today and the future?

Tiffani Jones:  Grassroots/Community Republican for 30 Senate District

Hello  and thank you for having this opportunity to address you.

Tiffani Jones, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  1/27/21

My name is Tiffani Jones and I am a candidate in the Special Election for the California State Senate District 30.

The district includes the areas of Ladera Heights, Crenshaw, Florence, parts of Downtown Los Angeles and the cities of Inglewood and Culver City.

The challenges facing the district are as diverse and the district itself.

The business community large and small are under immense pressure to make ends meet under normal conditions, let alone having suffered through the past year of shutdowns and restrictions.

It has been my focus and commitment to assist small business owners in navigation through and around the limitations and requirements imposed upon them by the environmental regulations coming from State and local government.

Delivering Public Safety Services at a time when crime numbers are increasing daily must be a priority. I will fight for the resources those tasked with public safety must have to do their job.

Ladies and gentlemen, we know Republicans care and are compassionate; yet the narrative which has prevailed attempts to paint us otherwise.

My history of Advocacy and Humanitarian efforts spanning decades within the district will speak volumes and will give us as Party the example needed to dispel that myth. We do care and our actions speak louder than their words.

My name is Tiffani Jones, and I as asking for you support, you vote and the opportunity to be the face of the Republican Party in the 30th Senate District.

For more information about me and my issues, please go to my website TiffaniJonesforstatesenate.com

Thank you