Democrats to Use 25th Amendment to End Confused/Incoherent Biden Presidency—Soon?

Democrats to Use 25th Amendment to End Confused/Incoherent Biden Presidency—Soon?

It has been obvious for months, Joe Biden is mentally challenged.  He has been incoherent, not sure where he is or what he is doing.  He gets aggressive toward those he disagrees with—trying to pick fights or making outrageous racist statements, (i.e. “You are not really black if your vote for Trump).

“During a coronavirus press conference on Tuesday, President Joe Biden mumbled and jumbled through a speech, making little sense.

At one point, Biden appeared to be calling out a lawmaker who refused to wear a mask as he incoherently rambled about kissing his ear.

“One Congressman pointed out, he used very colorful term to say, ‘wearing a mask, I tell them to kiss my ear, I’m not going to wear a mask.’ Well, guess what, not very American. The fact is, you want to be patriotic, you’re gonna protect people,” Biden said.

Remember his “pony soldier” comment?  That is why they kept him in a bunker only speaking with a teleprompter—and then he still got confused.  Yes, he may not last till Easter and someone will push the 25th Amendment.

“KISS MY EAR!”: Biden Rambles and Jumbles Speech During COVID Press Conference

byCollin Rugg, Trending Politics,  1/26/21 

During a coronavirus press conference on Tuesday, President Joe Biden mumbled and jumbled through a speech, making little sense.

At one point, Biden appeared to be calling out a lawmaker who refused to wear a mask as he incoherently rambled about kissing his ear.

“One Congressman pointed out, he used very colorful term to say, ‘wearing a mask, I tell them to kiss my ear, I’m not going to wear a mask.’ Well, guess what, not very American. The fact is, you want to be patriotic, you’re gonna protect people,” Biden said.

WATCH the clip below and try to make sense of what Biden just said:

This wasn’t the only embarrassing moment for Biden on Tuesday. While signing executive orders Biden had yet another “cognitive decline moment” when he mumbled to himself while he tried to find a place for his pen.

“Wait a minute..tryin to put my pen away here,” Biden said to himself as he fumbled around with his pen for 10 seconds straight.


Biden’s mental decline is no secret. According to author, editor, writer, communications expert and former White House Press Office stenographer Mike McCormick, Biden’s mental decline is down by 50%.

The comments from McCormick came during an interview with Steve Bannon on War Room Pandemic.

“50%,” McCormick said when Bannon asked how much of a mental decline Biden has suffered. “He’s half there. There’s no way he can be in a room with President Xi alone and make any decision that is valuable for our country. No way.”


Biden does not appear to be well.

During a speech in Delaware, Biden introduced his “science team.” The former VP explained that the team would be focusing on Covid-19, climate change, technology, the economy and the “long-term health of science and tech” in the United Stares.

“We’re going to lead with science and truth,” Biden said during the speech. “We believe in both.”

Kamala Harris also joined in to shame “climate change deniers.”

“The science behind climate change is not a hoax. The science behind the virus is not partisan. The same laws apply, the same evidence holds true regardless of whether or not you accept them,” Kamala Harris said.

Towards the end of the speech as Biden was trying to leave, the former Vice President appeared to have a lost and disoriented look on his face.

Just so we don’t get banned from the internet, far-left opinion checker PolitiFact would like us to let you know that Biden “did not stand around looking confused” at this event according to their “analysis.” Click here to see their pathetic “fact check.”

WATCH for yourself:

Some people including President Trump think Democrats will use the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office.