John Kerry to Oil and Gas Workers Who Lose Their Jobs Because of Biden’s War on Energy: ‘Go Make Solar Panels’

In China and the old Soviet Union, in Cuba and in other totalitarian Sates, government tells the people how and where they are allowed to work.  The very rich, privileged dilettante John Kerry is not different than the head of these fascist nations.  He is telling workers where they are allowed to work—by closing down their current jobs and industries.

“Kerry is the perfect person to be in charge of reducing carbon emissions since he owns several mansions, a mega yacht and flies in private jets.

John Kerry was asked what his message would be to oil and gas workers who “see an end to their livelihoods” because of Joe Biden’s war on energy.

 “What President Biden wants to do is make sure that those folks have better choices… That they can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels.”

Mr. Kerry, you need a new job, to fit your abilities—how about going to Taco Bell and start filling taco shells—American will be safer and more prosperous if you did that.

John Kerry to Oil and Gas Workers Who Lose Their Jobs Because of Biden’s War on Energy: ‘Go Make Solar Panels’ (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila, Gayeway Pundit,  1/27/21 

John Kerry, the Biden Admin’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, has a message to oil and gas workers: make solar panels.

Joe Biden killed tens of thousands of jobs his first day in office when he canceled contracts with the Keystone XL pipeline and waged a war on the energy business.

This is just the beginning — millions of US jobs are at risk now that Biden is stopping new oil and gas leases on federal lands.

But fear not because John Kerry, who has done nothing but lie, cheat and grift his entire life is here to save the day.

Kerry is the perfect person to be in charge of reducing carbon emissions since he owns several mansions, a mega yacht and flies in private jets.

John Kerry was asked what his message would be to oil and gas workers who “see an end to their livelihoods” because of Joe Biden’s war on energy.

 “What President Biden wants to do is make sure that those folks have better choices… That they can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels.”