Biden Suggested Only “Dictators” Legislate By Executive Order, Then He Signs 33 In His First Week

Joe Biden has either totally lost it and we need the 25th Amendment.  Or he is the sleaziest politician this side of Schumer, Pelosi and Newsom?  He has broken the record for most Executive Orders in the first week of his Administration.  It took President Trump three months to reach the number of Executive Orders Biden issued in one week.  But what does Biden, when he had a memory think of Executive Orders?

“Well, that’s quite a number of executive actions, is it not? And what’s more, Biden has new orders he’ll be signing all this week as part of various “themes,” The Hill reports.

And, of course, not a peep from members of his party about this blatant abuse of executive authority.

But one Democrat did speak out: Joe Biden, the candidate, in October.

“I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus,” he told George Stephanopoulos.

Well, then.

And we continue to be told that Joe Biden is in command of all his mental faculties.”

Only four months ago he declared Executive Orders the work of dictators.  So, in his own words, is je a dictator or someone that has lost his ability to comprehend?  Either way, Biden, with his finger on a nuclear war, needs help, not in the While House but at Walter Reed.  See how quickly he is losing it!

 FLASHBACK: Biden Suggested Only “Dictators” Legislate By Executive Order, Then He Signs 33 In His First Week

Chinese President Xi Jinping stands by national flags at the Schloss Bellevue presidential residency in Berlin on March 28, 2014. Chinese President Xi Jinping begins a landmark visit to fellow export powerhouse Germany Friday, the third leg of his European tour, expected to cement flourishing trade ties and focus on the Crimea crisis. AFP PHOTO / JOHANNES EISELE (Photo credit should read JOHANNES EISELE/AFP via Getty Images)

by Jonathan Davis, Trending Politics, 1/26/21   

Nearly every day of former President Donald Trump’s term, someone — either from the opposition party or from the Democrat-aligned media — called him some version of authoritarian.

That was especially the case whenever Trump issued an executive order, many if not most of which were summarily challenged by left-wing groups in court, often successfully.

It never made any sense to call a president whose executive orders were overturned and who eventually got kicked off of all social media a tyrant and a dictator since not too many tyrants and dictators throughout the history of Humankind had their orders contradicted or struck down by any legal body.

But now that the current president has a “D” behind his name, suddenly tyranny is back in style (because for Democrats, authoritarianism has always been their preferred style of governance).

Joe Biden has essentially been governing by dictate since taking office 15-20 minutes ago, and Breitbart News has been tracking ‘the emperor’ and his actions:

President Joe Biden has issued more executive orders in his first week in office — not yet complete, as of this writing — than any of his 45 predecessors.

As of January 25, 2021, Biden has ‘issued 33 executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and agency directives,’ according to CNN. Twenty-one of these, according to the White House website, are executive orders.

President Donald Trump signed four in his first week in 2017; President Barack Obama signed five in 2009; President George W. Bush signed none in his first week in 2001; and President Bill Clinton signed one in 1993.

The historical norm for most presidents appears to be no more than a few executive orders, if any, in the first week. The American Presidency Project at the University of California Santa Barbara confirms that no other president has issued as many as Biden — not even Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose energetic first 100 days set a new standard for activity.

Well, that’s quite a number of executive actions, is it not? And what’s more, Biden has new orders he’ll be signing all this week as part of various “themes,” The Hill reports.

And, of course, not a peep from members of his party about this blatant abuse of executive authority.

But one Democrat did speak out: Joe Biden, the candidate, in October.

“I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus,” he told George Stephanopoulos.

Well, then.

And we continue to be told that Joe Biden is in command of all his mental faculties.